No Smoking Gun?

On Thursday, October 26th I urged the President to release the balance of the classified documents regarding the assassination of Pres. John F Kennedy, after a phone conversation with my friend, colleague and sometimes co-author Saint John Hunt. Only days later the president would make the courageous decision to release this vital material.

Mainstream media is downplaying the importance of the newly released JFK files. Does that surprise you? USA TODAY, MSN.COM, FOX NEWS, U.K. TELEGRAPH and NBC NEWS are among the many mainstream news organizations to headline their report on the files, stating that there is “no smoking gun” in the newly released JFK files.  How quickly they drew their conclusions only after hours of the release.  We have read through hundreds of the files, both the October and the November files and I can tell you that this is a monumental effort to properly access the information in these files.  Some of the more damning files are as follows:

 The Soviet Union had proof that LBJ was behind Kennedy’s assassination.   

Soviet spies believed that President Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the death of the John F. Kennedy, according to an FBI document.

Time to buy old US gold coins

Sources told the American agency that officials in the USSR “believed there was some well-organized conspiracy on the part of the ‘ultra right’” that led to the 1963 assassination, with later claims that there was evidence to show the vice president’s involvement.  The claim was part of a memo on the Soviet reaction to Kennedy’s death forwarded from then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to Johnson’s assistant Marvin Watson in 1966 and now published as part of the newly unveiled JFK archive.  “Our sources added that in instructions from Moscow, it was indicated that ‘now’ the KGB was in possession of data purporting to indicate President Johnson was responsible for the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy,” one part of the document reads, citing intelligence from 1965.

Another related memo in the files tells that less than a year after President Kennedy was assassinated, a Soviet diplomat was quoted as saying that he believed a “person as nervous as” Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t capable of the attack.  The remark from Soviet Consul Pavel Yatskov in Mexico City appears in the latest batch of JFK files released Friday. “I met Oswald here. He stormed into my office and wanted me to introduce and recommend him to the Cubans,” Yatskov said, according to the July 1964 memo from then-CIA Deputy Director Richard Helms. “He told me that he had lived in the USSR. I told him that I would have had to check before I could recommend him.  “He was nervous and his hands trembled, and he stormed out of my office. I don’t believe that a person as nervous as Oswald, whose hands trembled could have accurately fired a rifle.”

Helms was at the time in charge of conducting the investigation of Oswald’s activities overseas.  The source of the Yatskov statement was described as a “confidential contact of this Agency in Mexico City who is believed to be reliable.”

LBJ and the KKK    

In an internal FBI report from May 1964, an informant told the FBI that the Ku Klux Klan said it “had documented proof that President Johnson was formerly a member of the Klan in Texas during the early days of his political career.”   “ Ned Touchstone, editor of “The Councilor”, has been identified by a confidential informant (NO 1223-R) as a member of the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.  The source advised in December 1963, that Touchstone claimed that the Klan had documented proof that President Johnson was formerly a member of the Klan in Texas during the early days of his political career.”  This may not have direct bearing on JFK’s death but it serves to show what a scumbag Johnson was.

CIA lied about relationship with Oswald

When Dick Helms (CIA boss) was questioned about Oswald this is what was said:

  1. BELIN: Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or an agent… “Agent of the FBI or any other Government agency?” Here is how Helms responds: “my recollection is not all that precise. I believe that Mr. Hoover testified that he had not been an agent of theirs either. He was certainly not an agent of the CIA. He was certainly never used by the CIA.”

Helms was lying about Oswald’s relationship with the CIA and the FBI.  In a confidential memo from John McCone (Director of CIA) to James Rowley (Chief of the Secret Service) dated March 3, 1964 McCone writes: “In response to the request made by your office on 24 Feb 1964 re: Lee Oswald’s activities and assignments on behalf of this agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation, there follows a narrative summary of the internal subversive activities of the Oswald subject.”

“I recommend that unless the Commission makes a specific request for specific information contained herein, that this information not be volunteered.”

“Oswald subject was trained by this agency (CIA), under cover of the Office of Naval Intelligence, for Soviet assignments.  During preliminary training in 1957, subject was active in aerial reconnaissance of Mainland China and maintained a security clearance up to ‘confidential’ level.”

“Subject received additional indoctrination at our Camp Peary site from Sept. 6, to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union on Sept. 1959.  While in the Soviet Union, he was on special assignment in the area of Minsk.”  This little-known memo answers the question of Oswald’s CIA and FBI connections.  According to the once-classified CIA files on Oswald, they show that the CIA had opened a file on Oswald in 1959.  The file was held by the agency’s Office of Security in December 1959, shortly after Oswald moved to the Soviet Union. This file was controlled by Betty Egerter, an aide to counterintelligence chief Angleton, who worked in an office called the Special Investigations Group. All information about Oswald received by the State Department, FBI and Office of Naval Intelligence was funneled to the SIG.  Only a year later, on Dec. 9, 1960, did Egerter open a “201 file” on Oswald.  A ‘201’ file is a personality assessment file.

Yet mainstream media such as the UK Telegraph, report that “Lee Harvey Oswald had no links to CIA.”  As proof, the UK Telegraph reported that a 1975 CIA memo shows that the agency scoured its own records to see if Oswald was connected with it in “any conceivable way.” Stating that “an exhaustive search found no links whatsoever with the CIA or any other US government agency.”   The AP via also stated Government documents newly released Friday regarding John F. Kennedy’s assassination say allegations that Lee Harvey Oswald was connected to the CIA were “totally unfounded.”

Referring to Nicholas Katzenbach, the deputy attorney general at the time, Hoover dictated: “The thing I am concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.” Katzenbach is known from previously released documents to have shared Hoover’s concern, writing in a memo the next day, on Nov. 25, 1963, that “the public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.”

E Howard Hunt’s secret diary

The missing handwritten “diary” of E Howard Hunt is buried in the October release of the JFK files.  This is only, I believe, a portion of his infamous diary, and not the entire writing.  As one might recall that during the first few months when the Watergate scandal was barely making headlines, there was a dramatic and dangerous campaign by Hunt and his wife Dorothy to blackmail President Nixon into paying money to Hunt for his silence.  In Nixon’s own words captured in oval office recordings to his inner circle, he stresses that “Hunt knows too much.”  How much did Hunt know and what did he know?  Nixon placed a minimum value on Hunt’s threats to go public at over one million dollars.  That may not sound like very much by today’s standards but by today’s standards, the 1972 million is now, in 2017, half a billion dollars.  To be exact, it’s $585.61 million.

So what did Hunt have on Nixon?  Well in the 9-page “diary” Hunt chronicles the Nixon approved, and at that time unknown CIA and Mafia plan to assassinate, among others, Fidel Castro.  Back in 1972, this was political dynamite and would have caused Nixon his place in the upcoming November presidential election.   Much of the “diary” is hard to read but I have worked out a great deal of what Hunt chronicled.  Money was paid to Hunt but in Dec. 1972 as Dorothy Hunt was on her way to Chicago to hold a press conference with CBS anchor Michelle Clark, the plane, United 553, crashed into a residential area near Midway Airport killing Dorothy Hunt.  Mrs. Hunt was carrying copies of the “diary”.  Officials placed the blame for the crash on “pilot error.”  On closer examination of events, it’s clear that the crash was deliberate.  The day after the crash Nixon appointed White House aide Egil Krogh (Hunt’s boss in the secret “plumbers” team) Undersecretary of Transportation, supervising the NTSB and FAA investigations into the crash.  One week later Nixon appointed his Deputy Assistant Alexander Butterfield head of the FAA.  Five weeks after that Dwight Chapin, Nixon’s appointment secretary became a top executive at United Airlines.  In the days following the crash Hunt pled guilty to charges stemming from Watergate and the blackmail threats stopped.


Oswald’s complete 201 file.  This contains hundreds of pages on Oswald from the CIA, ONI, FBI and other agencies.  See Oswald 201 File (201-289248) – Mary Ferrell Foundation

Files on George Johanides, James Angleton, and David Morales are some of the most important ones.  Many more files are still not available, and one can only hope that President Trump will push for their release in the days to come.  Stay tuned for more “non-smoking gun” files as we continue our investigation.

Un-redact the rest

This is the final cash of documents that are scheduled for release under the 1992 JFK documents Act passed by the Congress. President Trump should now order the National Archives to go back and review all of the documents previously released using the same standard he ordered in the release of these confidential files; material that can be redacted or withheld must regard people still living.


Reprinted with permission from Stone Cold Truth.

The post No Smoking Gun? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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