Stop the Texas Gun Control Scheme!

With all of the recent news about a push for “common sense” gun control coming from D.C. politicians, you may think that at least we are safe here in Texas with a Republican controlled legislature.
I am sorry to say you and I are facing new threats to our gun rights — not just from liberal Democrats, but even from anti-gun politicians elected as Republicans!
Recently, State Representative Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) wrote an open letter to Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Joe Straus calling for a commission to implement gun control schemes in Texas.
Republican Representative Villalba is asking the commission to investigate “lax or deficient gun control laws and regulations in Texas.” He believes Texas’ gun laws are too lenient and have led to death and gun violence. 

Representative Villalba is washing himself in the blood of victims to push his agenda of restricting your Second Amendment rights. This shameful scheme must be stopped!

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Stop the Texas Gun Control Scheme!

With all of the recent news about a push for “common sense” gun control coming from D.C. politicians, you may think that at least we are safe here in Texas with a Republican controlled legislature.
I am sorry to say you and I are facing new threats to our gun rights — not just from liberal Democrats, but even from anti-gun politicians elected as Republicans!
Recently, State Representative Jason Villalba (R-Dallas) wrote an open letter to Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Joe Straus calling for a commission to implement gun control schemes in Texas.
Republican Representative Villalba is asking the commission to investigate “lax or deficient gun control laws and regulations in Texas.” He believes Texas’ gun laws are too lenient and have led to death and gun violence. 

Representative Villalba is washing himself in the blood of victims to push his agenda of restricting your Second Amendment rights. This shameful scheme must be stopped!

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