16 Facts 16 Years After 9/11

There are still many people who instantly place those who question the official narrative of  9/11 within the conspiracy realm. They do this automatically, without ever investigating or questioning for themselves, simply trusting in whatever narrative is provided to them via mainstream media. This is partly due to fear — it’s easier, and more comfortable, and less frightening to believe there are enemies far from home who wish us harm than to consider that the people we chose to put in positions of great power here in our own country are manipulating us, and lying to us. It would definitely bring up some cognitive dissonance, and this is why the “conspiracy” reaction is still prevalent, because there are some who believe that ignorance is bliss.

More Than 165 Million Americans Don’t Believe The Official 9/11 Story and Think the Government Is Covering Something Up

The latest polls show that 54.3% of the American population doesn’t believe the official story that their government told them, and that they “strongly agree” or “report” their belief that something else actually happened on that day.

We’re talking about approximately 160 million people, and that’s just in America. Imagine what the numbers would look like if the polls were conducted globally?

Do you really think this many people could believe in such a “conspiracy theory” just because? The reason why the majority of the American population does believe that a false flag event occurred on 9/11 is because a wealth of information has emerged, in the form of documents, videos, witness testimony, studies, and more, that clearly points to the fact that our own government lied to us. People are not stupid, and 160 million people aren’t simply going to believe something just for the sake of it; there are reasons behind their beliefs.

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What frustrates me is the fact that a popular news network, like CNN, can suddenly grab hold of an event and provide the “official” narrative provided to them by the global elite, and that’s because the small group of corporations that controls mainstream media is actually owned by them. Why is a television news anchor so readily believed, yet any information that surfaces via other means is dismissed as fake news? It’s not real until it’s on CNN, right?

This is a big problem, especially because we now have proof of mainstream media’s relationship with intelligence agencies. See the below articles for more details on that:

Academics Are Getting in on It, and Studies Are Being Published

It’s unfortunate that we rely on academia for so much. This trust has been used against us many times, a fact made clear through the close relationship intelligence agencies actually hold with academic institutions and university/college curricula in general.  But the truth will prevail — it always does — and even those within the field of academia are coming forward on this issue, which seems to become more obvious every single year.

One of them is Professor Lynn Margulis, from the Department of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts, whose research has led her to believe that “all three buildings were destroyed by carefully planned, orchestrated and executed controlled demolition.” 

Quite a bold statement, isn’t it?

Another great example comes from last year, when physicists published a study titled “15 Years Later, On The Physics Of High-Rise Building Collapses” in the European Scientific Journal.

In it, they conclude:

It bears repeating that fires have never caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness an unprecedented event three separate times on September 11, 2001? The NIST reports, which attempted to support that unlikely conclusion, fail to persuade a growing number of architects, engineers, and scientists. Instead, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities.

The study also emphasizes that the collapse mechanics are only a fraction of the available evidence indicating that the airplane impacts and fires had nothing to do with the building collapse:

Videos show that the upper section of each tower disintegrated within the first four seconds of collapse. After that point, not a single video shows the upper sections that purportedly descended all the way to the ground before being crushed. Videos and photographs also show numerous high-velocity bursts of debris being ejected from point-like sources. NIST refers to these as “puffs of smoke” but fails to properly analyze them. NIST also provides no explanation for the midair pulverization of most of the towers’ concrete, the near-total dismemberment of their steel frames, or the ejection of those materials up to 150 meters in all directions. NIST sidesteps the well-documented presence of molten metal throughout the debris field and asserts that the orange molten metal seen pouring out of WTC 2 for the seven minutes before its collapse was aluminum from the aircraft combined with organic materials. Yet experiments have shown that molten aluminum, even when mixed with organic materials, has a silvery appearance—thus suggesting that the orange molten metal was instead emanating from a thermite reaction being used to weaken the structure. Meanwhile, unreacted nano-thermitic material has since been discovered in multiple independent WTC dust samples.

Dr. J Leroy Hulsey, Chair of the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, has teamed up with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to commence a rigorous academic study into what really caused Building 7 to collapse. World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC) is the building that collapsed on 9/11 despite only experiencing some small fires on a couple of floors — it was not hit by a plane. You can read more about that here, as the results are in.

Thousands of Architects and Engineers Still Condemn It

Another piece of information that people are still waking up to regarding 9/11 is the fact that over 2,500 architects and engineers who come from the top of the industry and academia have crushed the ‘official’ 9/11 commission report.

Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 25 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org), a 501(c)3 educational charity representing more than 2,000 degreed/licensed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation, with full subpoena power, into the destruction of the Twin Towers and the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The more than 17,000 non-A/E signatories include many scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the U.S. and abroad. They cite overwhelming evidence for explosive controlled demolition.

Below is an interview with him from a few years ago.

Did you know that BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC 7 (Soloman Brothers building) 20 minutes before it happened? You can watch that broadcast here.

Mainstream media is completely scripted — perhaps they messed up here?

It Created Awareness About Governments Within Governments

The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

When Eisenhower coined the term “Military Industrial Complex,” his main concern was the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” After him, John F Kennedy (JFK) warned the citizenry that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” He went on to state that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Before both of these two, 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson revealed:

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

The list of presidents and politicians who have acknowledged this secret government is a long one. Here’s one of my favourites from Theodore Roosevelt:

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.

From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

Here are 10 other presidents and politicians who did the same.

Here is an article regarding the Deep State institutions that now control America, and events like 9/11.

A Heightened National Security State and the Loss of Our Rights

Since 9/11, and other “terrorist” attacks, the terror threat has been used not only to justify the infiltration and takeover of other countries, but also the stripping away of our rights here in North America.

As NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake pointed out to VICE news:

In the years after 9/11, Thomas Drake, then a National Security Agency (NSA) executive, saw something he couldn’t abide: an NSA-led program named Stellarwind. The dragnet-surveillance operation was spying on American citizens using a combination of wiretapping and mass-data collection through the internet.

Drake protested internally, feeling that Stellarwind violated the Fourth Amendment and was highly illegal—a warrantless surveillance of citizens on home soil. But Michael Hayden, then the head of the NSA who presided over the program, believed American spies had to do whatever it took to prevent another such tragedy.

According to Drake, when the September 11 attacks happened—15 years ago—the military-and-intelligence-industrial complex became so obsessed with hunting terrorists that the rights of American citizens were trumped. He complained through every legal channel and whistleblower-protection law to no avail. So in the winter of 2006, he contacted a reporter at the Baltimore Sun and helped her expose some of the NSA abuses he loathed.

For his actions, the FBI raided Drake’s home, and he was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917, narrowly avoiding 35 years in jail.

Unfortunately, national security can now be used to justify keeping anything and everything a secret.

We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘Deep Black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

You can read more about these programs here.

How far is too far, and how many more rights will be taken away from the American people? This is done constantly each and every year, and a heightened national security state is the key. War, terrorism, and other threats are needed to impose these restrictions on the citizenry.

It’s a big problem.

The 9/11 Commission Was Railroaded

Did you know that the commissioners were given very limited funds to conduct their investigation?  Only $15 million, compared to the more than $60 million that was spent on investigating Clinton’s affairs with Monica Lewinsky. Doesn’t make much sense, does it? Especially considering that this was the largest act of murder in recent American history.

Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a “national scandal,” stated in a 2003 PBS interview:

I’m saying that’s deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration’s policy was, and its priority was, we’re gonna take Saddam Hussein out.

In 2006, the Washington Post reported that several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon:

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney also old the commission that they would not be formally interviewed in relation to the attacks on September 11. They instead interviewed them behind closed doors, together, in secret. Very little was publicly disclosed.

Just a reminder that there are over 2,300 architects and engineers who’ve signed on to the initiative, all declaring the official story to be false.

The Global Elite Wants to Make You Look and Feel Stupid for Questioning These Types of Things

As with many other topics, propaganda is used to keep us in line and prevent us from questioning, to the point where we’re made to feel stupid for questioning the narrative put out by mainstream media. We see the same type of ridicule technique being used bythe pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to vaccines. The day we stop questioning is the day we will be completely controlled. This tactic is the reason so many people simply trust the story that’s presented to them on television and fear considering other options. The global elite understands and capitalizes on our innate fear of being judged by others.

If mass media, marketing, and other techniques succeed in preventing us from sharing our thoughts, opinions, and feelings, simply because they oppose the popular narrative, we’re in trouble. This is why it’s so important to speak out, to think, and to critically investigate.

It Woke Up Millions of People, And Helped Birth “Alternative Media” 

I recall a conversation I was in on with Ben Swann, and a few others. He expressed his dislike for the term “alternative” news, given the fact that it’s simply just news. It was a great point.

After 9/11, there were so many holes in the story that people began to investigate other sources of information. Not many people know that our sources of information lie in the hands of a very few, with special interests, through a handful of corporations and the people who run them.

Websites like Collective-Evolution started to pop up, and a few years after 9/11, started gaining more traction. Our website alone has amassed over 1 billion views since its inception. Over the past decade, so much has been exposed in the form of credible sources, from documents released via the Freedom of Information Act to high ranking whistleblowers and much more.

People started to realize that the world we live in is not the world that we’ve been presented with, and that the disclosure of information actually threatens the global elite’s plans for us, whatever those plans may be. They started to realize that “news” was not really news, that they were just selected stories, and that a whole lot more is actually going on behind the scenes, with regards to major global events, than we’re made aware of.

It also birthed movements like Wikileaks.

As a result of this mass attention, this mass awakening of information, other news outlets that were not part of mainstream media were criticized, and labelled as “fake news.”

Entities like Snopes, in conjunction with Disney (a mainstream media hub), have now begun to censor information, and U.S. national security advocates are using “fake news” as justification.

This is just how much “alternative” media has impacted the globe, and now there is a war to stop it. But truth never stops; it continues to creep out here and there, transforming the minds and perception of the masses, and thus, creating the possibility for the transformation of our world.

It Shifted Collective Consciousness

This is a big point. 9/11 is perhaps one of the, if not the biggest, event that is shifting the collective consciousness, which includes our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the world.

Even at the cellular level, organisms can change in many ways, often as a result of changes in their environment. 9/11 is one such change that is shifting the way we perceive our environment. It was a “the Earth is not flat” moment for many, as it woke millions, if not billions, of people up to the deception and corruption that plague our world.

After the event occurred, anyone who questioned the official story was made to feel stupid or crazy. Today, it’s a far different story, and that just goes to show how much information leaked out, and how much transparency there was, despite massive coverup efforts that are still ongoing today.

When our worldview shifts, the entire human experience begins to shift, and by critically thinking and asking questions, and by taking initiative in doing so, we take the first steps toward change. So much happens in plain sight, right in front of our eyes, yet we continually remain blind to it. When we start to see, these events become even more difficult for the elite to manifest.

This is just one way 9/11 has helped to shift consciousness. How are we supposed grow, evolve, and become better as a human race when there is so much secrecy in our world? Information opens the door to discovery, which opens the door for paradigm changing revelations, which in turn opens the door for a new human experience. If we are constantly kept blind to what really happens on our planet, and what really happened with regards to events like 9/11, we  cannot shift past all of these experiences of war, hate, and greed, in our own lives or on a collective scale.

Ultimately, a shift in consciousness needs to occur in the hearts of those who push these events forward and manufacture them, because change starts with the individual, and awareness is key for that.

We need to stop allowing these events to trigger us, and we need to step back, and step out of ourselves and see it all from a much larger, cosmic perspective — to simply view it as an experience for the human race, and an opportunity to better ourselves. Let us not dwell on the “fateful events that happened that day” when these so-called “terrorists” did what they did. Let us instead see through the lies that perpetuate war, separation, and fear, and take back our power. Let’s start thinking, questioning, and examining instead of continually having our thoughts about “what is” dictated to us by a small group of people.

Reprinted with permission from Collective Evolution.

The post 16 Facts 16 Years After 9/11 appeared first on LewRockwell.

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16 Facts 16 Years After 9/11

There are still many people who instantly place those who question the official narrative of  9/11 within the conspiracy realm. They do this automatically, without ever investigating or questioning for themselves, simply trusting in whatever narrative is provided to them via mainstream media. This is partly due to fear — it’s easier, and more comfortable, and less frightening to believe there are enemies far from home who wish us harm than to consider that the people we chose to put in positions of great power here in our own country are manipulating us, and lying to us. It would definitely bring up some cognitive dissonance, and this is why the “conspiracy” reaction is still prevalent, because there are some who believe that ignorance is bliss.

More Than 165 Million Americans Don’t Believe The Official 9/11 Story and Think the Government Is Covering Something Up

The latest polls show that 54.3% of the American population doesn’t believe the official story that their government told them, and that they “strongly agree” or “report” their belief that something else actually happened on that day.

We’re talking about approximately 160 million people, and that’s just in America. Imagine what the numbers would look like if the polls were conducted globally?

Do you really think this many people could believe in such a “conspiracy theory” just because? The reason why the majority of the American population does believe that a false flag event occurred on 9/11 is because a wealth of information has emerged, in the form of documents, videos, witness testimony, studies, and more, that clearly points to the fact that our own government lied to us. People are not stupid, and 160 million people aren’t simply going to believe something just for the sake of it; there are reasons behind their beliefs.

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What frustrates me is the fact that a popular news network, like CNN, can suddenly grab hold of an event and provide the “official” narrative provided to them by the global elite, and that’s because the small group of corporations that controls mainstream media is actually owned by them. Why is a television news anchor so readily believed, yet any information that surfaces via other means is dismissed as fake news? It’s not real until it’s on CNN, right?

This is a big problem, especially because we now have proof of mainstream media’s relationship with intelligence agencies. See the below articles for more details on that:

Academics Are Getting in on It, and Studies Are Being Published

It’s unfortunate that we rely on academia for so much. This trust has been used against us many times, a fact made clear through the close relationship intelligence agencies actually hold with academic institutions and university/college curricula in general.  But the truth will prevail — it always does — and even those within the field of academia are coming forward on this issue, which seems to become more obvious every single year.

One of them is Professor Lynn Margulis, from the Department of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts, whose research has led her to believe that “all three buildings were destroyed by carefully planned, orchestrated and executed controlled demolition.” 

Quite a bold statement, isn’t it?

Another great example comes from last year, when physicists published a study titled “15 Years Later, On The Physics Of High-Rise Building Collapses” in the European Scientific Journal.

In it, they conclude:

It bears repeating that fires have never caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness an unprecedented event three separate times on September 11, 2001? The NIST reports, which attempted to support that unlikely conclusion, fail to persuade a growing number of architects, engineers, and scientists. Instead, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities.

The study also emphasizes that the collapse mechanics are only a fraction of the available evidence indicating that the airplane impacts and fires had nothing to do with the building collapse:

Videos show that the upper section of each tower disintegrated within the first four seconds of collapse. After that point, not a single video shows the upper sections that purportedly descended all the way to the ground before being crushed. Videos and photographs also show numerous high-velocity bursts of debris being ejected from point-like sources. NIST refers to these as “puffs of smoke” but fails to properly analyze them. NIST also provides no explanation for the midair pulverization of most of the towers’ concrete, the near-total dismemberment of their steel frames, or the ejection of those materials up to 150 meters in all directions. NIST sidesteps the well-documented presence of molten metal throughout the debris field and asserts that the orange molten metal seen pouring out of WTC 2 for the seven minutes before its collapse was aluminum from the aircraft combined with organic materials. Yet experiments have shown that molten aluminum, even when mixed with organic materials, has a silvery appearance—thus suggesting that the orange molten metal was instead emanating from a thermite reaction being used to weaken the structure. Meanwhile, unreacted nano-thermitic material has since been discovered in multiple independent WTC dust samples.

Dr. J Leroy Hulsey, Chair of the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, has teamed up with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to commence a rigorous academic study into what really caused Building 7 to collapse. World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC) is the building that collapsed on 9/11 despite only experiencing some small fires on a couple of floors — it was not hit by a plane. You can read more about that here, as the results are in.

Thousands of Architects and Engineers Still Condemn It

Another piece of information that people are still waking up to regarding 9/11 is the fact that over 2,500 architects and engineers who come from the top of the industry and academia have crushed the ‘official’ 9/11 commission report.

Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 25 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth.org), a 501(c)3 educational charity representing more than 2,000 degreed/licensed architects and engineers who have signed a petition calling for a new, independent investigation, with full subpoena power, into the destruction of the Twin Towers and the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The more than 17,000 non-A/E signatories include many scientists, attorneys, and other responsible, educated citizens in the U.S. and abroad. They cite overwhelming evidence for explosive controlled demolition.

Below is an interview with him from a few years ago.

Did you know that BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC 7 (Soloman Brothers building) 20 minutes before it happened? You can watch that broadcast here.

Mainstream media is completely scripted — perhaps they messed up here?

It Created Awareness About Governments Within Governments

The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and others to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

When Eisenhower coined the term “Military Industrial Complex,” his main concern was the potential for the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” After him, John F Kennedy (JFK) warned the citizenry that we are living in “a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” He went on to state that “its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Before both of these two, 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson revealed:

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

The list of presidents and politicians who have acknowledged this secret government is a long one. Here’s one of my favourites from Theodore Roosevelt:

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people.

From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

Here are 10 other presidents and politicians who did the same.

Here is an article regarding the Deep State institutions that now control America, and events like 9/11.

A Heightened National Security State and the Loss of Our Rights

Since 9/11, and other “terrorist” attacks, the terror threat has been used not only to justify the infiltration and takeover of other countries, but also the stripping away of our rights here in North America.

As NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake pointed out to VICE news:

In the years after 9/11, Thomas Drake, then a National Security Agency (NSA) executive, saw something he couldn’t abide: an NSA-led program named Stellarwind. The dragnet-surveillance operation was spying on American citizens using a combination of wiretapping and mass-data collection through the internet.

Drake protested internally, feeling that Stellarwind violated the Fourth Amendment and was highly illegal—a warrantless surveillance of citizens on home soil. But Michael Hayden, then the head of the NSA who presided over the program, believed American spies had to do whatever it took to prevent another such tragedy.

According to Drake, when the September 11 attacks happened—15 years ago—the military-and-intelligence-industrial complex became so obsessed with hunting terrorists that the rights of American citizens were trumped. He complained through every legal channel and whistleblower-protection law to no avail. So in the winter of 2006, he contacted a reporter at the Baltimore Sun and helped her expose some of the NSA abuses he loathed.

For his actions, the FBI raided Drake’s home, and he was charged under the Espionage Act of 1917, narrowly avoiding 35 years in jail.

Unfortunately, national security can now be used to justify keeping anything and everything a secret.

We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘Deep Black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”

You can read more about these programs here.

How far is too far, and how many more rights will be taken away from the American people? This is done constantly each and every year, and a heightened national security state is the key. War, terrorism, and other threats are needed to impose these restrictions on the citizenry.

It’s a big problem.

The 9/11 Commission Was Railroaded

Did you know that the commissioners were given very limited funds to conduct their investigation?  Only $15 million, compared to the more than $60 million that was spent on investigating Clinton’s affairs with Monica Lewinsky. Doesn’t make much sense, does it? Especially considering that this was the largest act of murder in recent American history.

Senator Max Cleland, who resigned from the 9/11 Commission after calling it a “national scandal,” stated in a 2003 PBS interview:

I’m saying that’s deliberate. I am saying that the delay in relating this information to the American public out of a hearing… series of hearings, that several members of Congress knew eight or ten months ago, including Bob Graham and others, that was deliberately slow walked… the 9/11 Commission was deliberately slow walked, because the Administration’s policy was, and its priority was, we’re gonna take Saddam Hussein out.

In 2006, the Washington Post reported that several members of the 9/11 Commission suspected deception on part of the Pentagon:

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon’s initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney also old the commission that they would not be formally interviewed in relation to the attacks on September 11. They instead interviewed them behind closed doors, together, in secret. Very little was publicly disclosed.

Just a reminder that there are over 2,300 architects and engineers who’ve signed on to the initiative, all declaring the official story to be false.

The Global Elite Wants to Make You Look and Feel Stupid for Questioning These Types of Things

As with many other topics, propaganda is used to keep us in line and prevent us from questioning, to the point where we’re made to feel stupid for questioning the narrative put out by mainstream media. We see the same type of ridicule technique being used bythe pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to vaccines. The day we stop questioning is the day we will be completely controlled. This tactic is the reason so many people simply trust the story that’s presented to them on television and fear considering other options. The global elite understands and capitalizes on our innate fear of being judged by others.

If mass media, marketing, and other techniques succeed in preventing us from sharing our thoughts, opinions, and feelings, simply because they oppose the popular narrative, we’re in trouble. This is why it’s so important to speak out, to think, and to critically investigate.

It Woke Up Millions of People, And Helped Birth “Alternative Media” 

I recall a conversation I was in on with Ben Swann, and a few others. He expressed his dislike for the term “alternative” news, given the fact that it’s simply just news. It was a great point.

After 9/11, there were so many holes in the story that people began to investigate other sources of information. Not many people know that our sources of information lie in the hands of a very few, with special interests, through a handful of corporations and the people who run them.

Websites like Collective-Evolution started to pop up, and a few years after 9/11, started gaining more traction. Our website alone has amassed over 1 billion views since its inception. Over the past decade, so much has been exposed in the form of credible sources, from documents released via the Freedom of Information Act to high ranking whistleblowers and much more.

People started to realize that the world we live in is not the world that we’ve been presented with, and that the disclosure of information actually threatens the global elite’s plans for us, whatever those plans may be. They started to realize that “news” was not really news, that they were just selected stories, and that a whole lot more is actually going on behind the scenes, with regards to major global events, than we’re made aware of.

It also birthed movements like Wikileaks.

As a result of this mass attention, this mass awakening of information, other news outlets that were not part of mainstream media were criticized, and labelled as “fake news.”

Entities like Snopes, in conjunction with Disney (a mainstream media hub), have now begun to censor information, and U.S. national security advocates are using “fake news” as justification.

This is just how much “alternative” media has impacted the globe, and now there is a war to stop it. But truth never stops; it continues to creep out here and there, transforming the minds and perception of the masses, and thus, creating the possibility for the transformation of our world.

It Shifted Collective Consciousness

This is a big point. 9/11 is perhaps one of the, if not the biggest, event that is shifting the collective consciousness, which includes our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions of the world.

Even at the cellular level, organisms can change in many ways, often as a result of changes in their environment. 9/11 is one such change that is shifting the way we perceive our environment. It was a “the Earth is not flat” moment for many, as it woke millions, if not billions, of people up to the deception and corruption that plague our world.

After the event occurred, anyone who questioned the official story was made to feel stupid or crazy. Today, it’s a far different story, and that just goes to show how much information leaked out, and how much transparency there was, despite massive coverup efforts that are still ongoing today.

When our worldview shifts, the entire human experience begins to shift, and by critically thinking and asking questions, and by taking initiative in doing so, we take the first steps toward change. So much happens in plain sight, right in front of our eyes, yet we continually remain blind to it. When we start to see, these events become even more difficult for the elite to manifest.

This is just one way 9/11 has helped to shift consciousness. How are we supposed grow, evolve, and become better as a human race when there is so much secrecy in our world? Information opens the door to discovery, which opens the door for paradigm changing revelations, which in turn opens the door for a new human experience. If we are constantly kept blind to what really happens on our planet, and what really happened with regards to events like 9/11, we  cannot shift past all of these experiences of war, hate, and greed, in our own lives or on a collective scale.

Ultimately, a shift in consciousness needs to occur in the hearts of those who push these events forward and manufacture them, because change starts with the individual, and awareness is key for that.

We need to stop allowing these events to trigger us, and we need to step back, and step out of ourselves and see it all from a much larger, cosmic perspective — to simply view it as an experience for the human race, and an opportunity to better ourselves. Let us not dwell on the “fateful events that happened that day” when these so-called “terrorists” did what they did. Let us instead see through the lies that perpetuate war, separation, and fear, and take back our power. Let’s start thinking, questioning, and examining instead of continually having our thoughts about “what is” dictated to us by a small group of people.

Reprinted with permission from Collective Evolution.

The post 16 Facts 16 Years After 9/11 appeared first on LewRockwell.

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