Bring In a New Silk Road “Infrastructure” Policy for the New Year

The post-Christmas week started in the U.S. with a bang, when President Donald Trump tweeted very early Tuesday that the 2016 anti-Trump dossier was not only “bogus,” and was not only funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign, but that the FBI used “this pile of garbage” to go after the Trump candidacy. Trump’s message was occasioned by a Fox News commentator pointing out that the big scandal is not the lies, it is “weaponizing the intelligence community” to go after a political campaign.

The fat’s in the fire. What is critical to understand is that the pedigree of the whole operation is British. When it comes to election interference, the British did it, from “ex”-MI6 operative Christopher Steele, to his media flunkies, and his sordid U.S. intelligence contacts. They started “Russia-gate,” when the reality is “Britain-gate.” The full British provenance is made clear in the LaRouchePAC special report, “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him.”

It is long past time to vanquish this menace, and restore the U.S. to its founding identity, of what came to be known as the “American System” for the general welfare. The enemy is simply the “British System”—as seen in its current manifestation as the Wall Street/City of London tyranny, including their deadly geopolitical foreign policy schemes.

Thus, the fat’s in the fire on the economy, as well as on political subversion. This puts the question of the science of political economy foremost, whose applied principles needed for the present time were laid out in 2014 by Lyndon LaRouche in his “Four Laws.” Now they are in circulation, as an action plan, in the LaRouchePAC pamphlet, “LaRouche’s Four Laws & America’s Future on the New Silk Road.”

In 35 days, Trump is to deliver his State of the Union address to Congress and the nation. There is no more lag time nor public forebearance left for simply hearing yet again about the virtues of rebuilding America and creating jobs. The action must begin. That is what is expected of Trump, who has pledged his conviction. On Jan. 6-7, Trump is set to meet at Camp David with Congressional leaders, including minimally Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan, on an infrastructure program, according to a Christmas Eve report from the White House legislative liaison Marc Short. The LaRouche “Laws” and “New Silk Road” are the only way to go.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche today cautioned that we are coming into a period where we must keep an open mind. There are two options—particularly in the Trans-Atlantic. There are those intent on defending the status quo, when that status quo is untenable. But secondly, there are those intent on moving forward toward the Belt and Road Initiative.

You want an “infrastructure” policy? It’s the New Silk Road for the New Year!

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