Defeat The Mueller Coup: ‘The Gate Is Open, So Do It’

With Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller having been compared by a leading law professor today to J. Edgar Hoover — violating the 4th Amendment and attorney-client privilege in his drive to get the President — the state of the intelligence community’s coup attempt against Trump is breaking open.

Hoover notoriously blackmailed Presidents, to try to control, and be able to remove them if necessary. Mueller is “legal assassin” for a two-year-old “stop Trump” drive by British and U.S. intelligence and security agencies. But the tide is turning. At this point, the dismissal of even one more heavily biased member of Mueller’s team could bring his unprincipled operation down. The battle could be won in the short term, during the Christmas-New Years holiday period.

The expanding circulation of LaRouchePAC’s dossier, “Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin; He Will Do His Job If You Let Him,” has been crucial in getting to this point. With another 10,000 now out, and more members of Congress entering the fray, this witchhunt can be defeated.

But in this fight, only one side will win. Not only is the Presidency at stake, but the continued threat of an effective coup may force President Trump into trying to “balance” it by giving way to “hostile adversary” rhetoric toward China and Russia.

Did China not just commit to more than $80 billion in investment to revive and remake the industrial economy of West Virginia? The potential for the United States cooperating with China’s Belt and Road Initiative of great infrastructure projects, and fully reviving NASA space exploration with the other spacefaring power, could be lost. The United States could go, not into a new paradigm of economic progress, but back into Bush’s and Obama’s war confrontations with Russia and China.

What LaRouchePAC and the Schiller Institute can do now will be crucial. Congress must act to defend the U.S. Constitution and institutional powers against such a “deep state” coup. But a total mobilization by the small forces with the big weapon of the truth in this matter, will be decisive.

Lyndon LaRouche told colleagues today that the result of this fight is largely up to them. “Talk to people carefully about what we have to do…. This is an important moment. The gate is open. Do it.”

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