Don’t Be Distracted; Don’t Be Deterred!

As the world is reaching the point of finally turning the corner into a qualitatively new stage of world history, the U.S. population is being totally, and potentially fatally distracted into a kaleidoscope of phoney issues, full of gossip interest or other interest. (Why now?) But where do YOU fit in here—you personally? What is your role? If you run off chasing a will-o-the-wisp, where does that leave our country?—at a moment where future history demands certain definite steps in the United States, as laid down by Lyndon LaRouche in his Four Laws.

The unprecedented, successive events of this past week, show that the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China back in 2013, which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche had tirelessly fought for for decades, has now become a mass-strike wave sweeping the world. Recall that the Schiller Institute’s historic conference in Frankfurt over the weekend, “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind,” was immediately followed by the “16+1” meeting of Chinese and East and Central European countries in Budapest, which launched construction of the Belgrade-to-Budapest high-speed rail line among other achievements. The same week saw a Belt and Road forum in Tbilisi, Georgia, which was attended by 34 official delegations, and up to 2,000 delegates from more than 60 countries. After the conclusion of the 16+1 meeting in Budapest and further meetings with Hungarian officials, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang flew to Moscow to meet President Putin, and then on to Sochi, Russia—the scene of other historic meetings over the past days—for the Nov. 30-Dec. 1 session of the heads of government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The first-ever Belt and Road Forum in Paris was held Wednesday. Thursday was the first day of the China-Latin America-Caribbean Business Summit in Uruguay, including 2,500 businessmen, of whom 700 are Chinese.

And a report, as yet unconfirmed, in the Nov. 28 Yomiuri Shimbun details how Japan plans to move into cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), by support of Japanese companies in joint projects with Chinese companies along its routes.

This is the setting for our growing efforts to defeat the British coup-plot in the United States, implement LaRouche’s Four Laws, and insure full U.S. participation in the BRI.

Don’t ask what personally grabs your interest. Rather, ask what is future humanity’s vital interest in present-day events. The fake news is featuring a kaleidoscope of distractions—you must not be distracted. The issues are just what Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have said they are.

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche keynotes the Schiller Institute’s conference, “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind”, in Frankfurt, Germany, November 25 & 26, 2017. For the full conference proceedings visit, subscribe to the Schiller Institute Youtube channel.

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Don’t Be Distracted; Don’t Be Deterred!

As the world is reaching the point of finally turning the corner into a qualitatively new stage of world history, the U.S. population is being totally, and potentially fatally distracted into a kaleidoscope of phoney issues, full of gossip interest or other interest. (Why now?) But where do YOU fit in here—you personally? What is your role? If you run off chasing a will-o-the-wisp, where does that leave our country?—at a moment where future history demands certain definite steps in the United States, as laid down by Lyndon LaRouche in his Four Laws.

The unprecedented, successive events of this past week, show that the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China back in 2013, which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche had tirelessly fought for for decades, has now become a mass-strike wave sweeping the world. Recall that the Schiller Institute’s historic conference in Frankfurt over the weekend, “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind,” was immediately followed by the “16+1” meeting of Chinese and East and Central European countries in Budapest, which launched construction of the Belgrade-to-Budapest high-speed rail line among other achievements. The same week saw a Belt and Road forum in Tbilisi, Georgia, which was attended by 34 official delegations, and up to 2,000 delegates from more than 60 countries. After the conclusion of the 16+1 meeting in Budapest and further meetings with Hungarian officials, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang flew to Moscow to meet President Putin, and then on to Sochi, Russia—the scene of other historic meetings over the past days—for the Nov. 30-Dec. 1 session of the heads of government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The first-ever Belt and Road Forum in Paris was held Wednesday. Thursday was the first day of the China-Latin America-Caribbean Business Summit in Uruguay, including 2,500 businessmen, of whom 700 are Chinese.

And a report, as yet unconfirmed, in the Nov. 28 Yomiuri Shimbun details how Japan plans to move into cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), by support of Japanese companies in joint projects with Chinese companies along its routes.

This is the setting for our growing efforts to defeat the British coup-plot in the United States, implement LaRouche’s Four Laws, and insure full U.S. participation in the BRI.

Don’t ask what personally grabs your interest. Rather, ask what is future humanity’s vital interest in present-day events. The fake news is featuring a kaleidoscope of distractions—you must not be distracted. The issues are just what Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have said they are.

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche keynotes the Schiller Institute’s conference, “Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind”, in Frankfurt, Germany, November 25 & 26, 2017. For the full conference proceedings visit, subscribe to the Schiller Institute Youtube channel.

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