If Trump Actually Drained the Swamp

What would it look like? Would you recognize it if you saw it? What would you say if I said that Draining The Swamp has already begun? What if I told you World War III has already begun?

Is it possible that you might not even recognize it?

I can’t definitively say what is going on. Hell, most of you know I have not been a Trump supporter. I’m of the opinion that ALL of our (s)elected leaders are vile, villainous scum that cannot be trusted and who would blame me based on the last nine years and even the last fifty years or more?

I want to give a Hat Tip to T4C for turning me on to all of this. I am of course referring to the now infamous Q or Q clearance or Q Anon. (google Q clearance & Q group)

This Q character set up a message board called “CALM BEFORE THE STORM” (keep that name in mind) originally on 4chan but not longafterwards the board became corrupted or compromised in such a way that Q moved the board to 8chan.

I’d like to take a moment to apologize for some of the posts I’ve made previously on the subject of Q. Truth is I was working from a point of ignorance as I’m only vaguely aware of 4/8chan culture and much like TBP, 4/8chan definitely has a culture of it’s own. I was running on little time and less sleep so in my excitement over the potential reality of Q I was a bit hasty.

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That remains unanswered. Whoever he, she or they are they seem to have access to some rather high level intel and they appear to be part of the Executive Branch. Some evidence suggests Q was on AF-1 with Trump during his trip to Asia. This is all based on quite a number of things that you will have to read and investigate for yourself. Personally I suspect DJT himself is Q. He has a penchant for social media as he cannot trust the MSM to do it’s job. Operation Mockingbird anyone? (google it) The only reason I would doubt that it is DJT is because of his statements about not tipping off the enemy to his true intent. He seems to be following Sun Tzu’s Art of War strategies.


I don’t know for certain. The “anons” on 8chan euphemistically refer to themselves as “Autists, “Autistic” and my favorite “Weaponized Autism. You’ll have to google why.

To try and answer why Q is posting on 4/8chan I offer the following taken from the top of each Calm Before The Storm thread page. (disregard the poor grammar):

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Military/Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with ”’over 4,289 sealed indictments”’ fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we’ve been handed a Map of what’s to come, and what’s going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here’s the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

”We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we’ve been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.”

Our goal is simple: To explain the chaos of our times to your loved ones and friends. We’re lost without a normie to redpill, because we can take these ideas into all sorts of directions. What resistance do you meet when you talk about Q-topics? Share that here. We will map the barriers of ignorance that stand in Our way, and surgically remove the cabals curse. Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our memetic spread.

I’ll add that I believe that the True Patriots that still exist in our govt, including Q, wants it to be the people, the citizens, the PATRIOTS that expose the scum who are oppressing us and their various schemes to do it so that WE have a hand in Making America Great Again. A people vested in their own salvation are more likely to fight for it. Q has commented to the effect that examples need to be made of these people to prevent anyone from ever attempting a take over of the USA again.


No. Q appears to be parsing his words very carefully and cleverly. In effect he is “dropping breadcrumbs” and attempting to get people to follow the trail. Q is encouraging people to research publicly available info that can be found on the internet so no secrets are being dropped as that would be illegal. Two wrongs don’t make a right and if anything, Q seems to be laying out a legal means to bring the scumbags down.


Many believe that the answers to Q’s questions will paint a map or picture that reveals the whole sordid truth about those who seek to control us. Q has stated that the vast majority are not going to be able to handle the truth and may even end up in the hospital because the exposed knowledge is so out there. Imagine being the parent of a missing child and then learning that cannibalistic satanic, child sacrifice cults are real? Q seems to want the anons to red pill the public slowly so they don’t lose their minds. He’s even said steps are being taken to prevent vigilantism. I saw the outrage here the other day about the dude killed by cops while crawling on his hands and knees. Multiply that outrage by thousands of times and you start to understand how happy-go-lucky blue-pilled sheep might react to be forcibly red-pilled.


I believe, based on Q’s postings but mostly based on info provided by the “Autistic Anons”, that Trump has been quietly going to great lengths to lay groundwork to attack our enemies and drain the swamp from day one. Word is that he literally began implementing policies and strategies on inauguration day and he has been building on that ever since. I believe that Calm Before The Storm is the next phase designed to get the long suffering oppressed, Patriotic Americans involved in draining the swamp.

Watch the short two minute video below. Turn up your speakers and pay close attention to who the people are and what is being said between the President and the media after the 1:19 second mark. At the 0:33 second mark the President seems to be spreading some plausible misinformation while possibly acknowledging the CBTS message board Anons when he says: “….and I look forward to hearing from you and your ideas.” That line seems a bit odd given that he’s talking to the lying MockingBird media.  And who are the “revisionist powers” he mentions? NWO Cabal perhaps? ISIS is no threat to the USA. but as a sovereign nation they are no threat to the USA. Iran, I have no real idea about but I doubt they are a threat either. This entire video is about misdirection.

Transcript here.

That video was made almost two months before the Calm Before The Storm message board appeared.


I don’t know. How long do you think it might take? If you think of the enormity of the task at hand, it could take days, weeks or months before we start to see hard evidence of the more sensational things Q has alluded to like arrests and trials. The ongoing mission to drain the swamp will likely take most, if not all, of Trumps first term but I believe he is moving with a sense of urgency. Q has already posted clues/questions well in advance of events before they appear in the news with the NYC subway bombing being the most recent. He has repeatedly said in his posts that “future will prove the past”.


Who fucking knows. When T4C made her post about The Book of Q I was not much of a believer but in very short order I noticed that there was enough legitimate “stuff” going on that I became extremely intrigued.

If it’s not true then it’s probably the biggest hoax ever pulled on the innerwebs and an awesome distraction from the daily diet of doom porn.

If it is true….in the words of the immortal Stucky…..”HO LEE FUK”!!! The ramifications are a doomers wet dream fantasy.


Well, the collection of mostly INTJ shit throwing monkeys here are my bellwether for all things doom. The regulars here probably represent one of the best Bullshit-O-Meters on the planet. I’d greatly appreciate it if those of you who are inclined could dig into it a bit and let me know what you think. (instructions below)

I’d especially be grateful if SSS could read a little and post his thoughts. I know SSS to be True Blue and an honorable man. He is also the only one here to admit to being a former CIA officer. Because of that I’m hoping he may be hearing some chatter from his former colleagues that he could share.

I’d really love to hear admins opinions if he has time to read a couple hundred rows from the spreadsheet.

I’m open to all ideas and opinions.


Start with the Q spreadsheet.

This is a collection of all Q posts in chronological order followed by the most likely answers/explanations, followed by other less likely but potentially relevant info followed by a confidence rating for the info collected so far. It’s pretty self explanatory IMO but could be a bit confusing at first. My advice is to read down the page skipping anything that is too confusing. Please try and read down to at least row number 200 (light colored numbers on left edge) before giving up. The spreadsheet is much longer that that but the first 200 rows of Q&A should give everyone a pretty damned good feel for what Q is all about. I’m hoping that the first 200 rows will also inspire you to read further and if you come up with your own, plausible ideas you can actually add to the knowledge base on 8chan.

You Trumpeteers should be especially excited about this as this looks like this is evidence that the swamp is being drained…..drop by drop at first but I strongly suspect that before it’s over it will look like Hoover Dam broke at high flood stage.

You will need a legend to understand some of the abbreviations but so far I’ve not found a comprehensive legend. For now use this and this.

I have not had time to search for a better legend but I’m sure one exists. For unfamiliar initials or references that are not on the legend try to think logically given the context of the info. This is what the “Autistic Anons” are doing after all.

are the CBTS threads where Q posts. Each thread contains 751 comments once full, most of which can be gibberish, but there are some real gems in each. Look for the highest numbered CBTS thread, currently #104. Start by reading each line. You can hover over red and light blue linked numbers to see how they relate to a comment. You can also right click and open in a new tab if you like. Look for a line not far below the above image that says: “!!! Latest Q posts !!!:” These will be the latest posts by Q. His most recent post is # 92710.

Perhaps someone here can post more info on how to read 8chan boards because I’m a newbie to all of it. Feel free to explore any of the other tangential threads besides the CBTS ones. I would definitely seek guidance before posting over there as you can have your ass handed to you quick. (remind you of any place?)

I hope this is enough to get you started without too much confusion. Good luck!

My overall theory on this shit…….

For quite sometime (many decades) there has been an ongoing, imminent or attempted coup d’etat by the globalists and Satanists against the USA. This would be HRC, BO, G Soros, Rothschild family, House of Saud and a host of others. I believe it was imminent and would be carried out obce HRC took office.

The story I find plausible and appealing is that for an equally long period of time Military Intelligence and the NSA have been aware of this. Word is that JFK and Reagan both attempted to disrupt their plans. We know what happened to JFK and Reagan apparently was ultimately convinced not to pursue it by papa Bush who convinced him to focus on S. American narcos instead. Papa Bush was the first President to mention building a NWO and since that time, all efforts under Baby Bush, Clinton and Obama have been toward that end hence the ramp up in oppression over the last two decades. Someone asked why not attempt the coup before Obama left office? The answer seems to be that the NWO scum had finally perfected their election rigging apparatus and they were 100% certain it had been rigged for Felonia in 2016. Kinda explains Felonia’s

Trump was supposedly asked to run and agreed but only if the rigging could be prevented and via a technology/program called TEMPEST the MI/NSA figured out how to prevent the rigging. Trump wins.

It just might be that we are currently living under military rule right now though I think that is less likely than I did a few days ago. I do believe that if conditions are right Trump will not hesitate to declare Martial Law. In fact, that may be our first real proof of the more sensationalistic side of Q. Now I think Trump has been working with the MI/NSA to drain the swamp since before he announced his candidacy. I also think that this effort is a world wide effort and is an informational World War III. For one, a JUST war is being carried out and only the guilty are going to suffer this time. Keep in mind that disinformation, misinformation and misdirection are MAJOR components of an informational war. We already know these tactics are used daily but I believe Trump is employing them in an effort to end their use against us by our own intel agencies once and for all. I think he is giving these people all the rope they need to hang themselves.

Newest Post from Q….the plot thickens:

▶ Q !ITPb.qbhqo  12/13/17 (Wed) 20:35:55  267271

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein’s PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


Reprinted with permission from The Burning Platform.

The post If Trump Actually Drained the Swamp appeared first on LewRockwell.

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