2018 LPAC Class Series: What is the New Paradigm?

LaRouchePAC is happy to announce our 2018 class series, “What is the New Paradigm?” Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be kicking things on with the first class on Saturday, February 10th at 12:00 eastern. If you would like to participate register below.

The American people are faced with a historic choice: join China’s revolutionary New Silk Road program and secure a new paradigm of win-win global development, or continue the suicidal geopolitical policies of Obama and Bush, guaranteeing confrontation with Russia and China and threatening world war. While President Trump is inclined to move in the direction of cooperation with China and Russia, he is being threatened with a palace coup by those desperately clinging to the old geopolitical view of unchallenged Anglo-American global dominance.

You can play a role in this decisive point in history. Help us secure the New Paradigm.

LaRouchePAC is launching a new class series, “What is the New Paradigm?” to prepare you to lead the population at this critical time. 2018 must be the year we end geopolitics.

The classes will address the history of geopolitics, the underlying concepts about the nature of human society and human beings that permeate our culture, the uniquely human capability for creativity which unites all cultures and civilizations and is the source of economic development, the principles underlying “win-win” collaboration, the political importance of classical culture, and the changes in thinking required now to effectively put the United States on the needed path towards a future of cooperation and economic development.

Register below for access to the syllabus, homework, reading assignments, and special classes only for registered participants. We’re happy to announce that Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be giving first class, Saturday, February 10th at 12:00 eastern.

Email questions to basement@larouchepac.com

Register here.

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