The Beatles Conspiracy

Was Beatle Paul McCartney killed in 1966 and replaced with a double? For those unfamiliar with the Paul is Dead (PID) mystery, this must sound like a ludicrous conspiracy theory. The rumor started in 1969 in the UK and US, spread globally with articles published in corporate media sources. The November 7, 1969 Life magazine cover story “Paul is Still With Us” settled the issue in the minds of most people.

Establishment sources that perpetrate the official explanations on controversial issues like the JFK assassination and 9-11 such as Wikipedia call PID a conspiracy theory or urban legend while others, for instance Snopes, dismisses the phenomenon as a false rumor. More than a decade ago, the topic started back up in a big way on the internet with web sites, YouTube videos, podcasts, radio interviews, as well as books. The metrics on public opinion? A survey of comments left on YouTube videos about PID or Paul Was Replaced (PWR) reveals about 50% believe Paul never died; 25% believe he did die; and 25% are undecided. Comments on sites simply providing news reports on McCartney reveal a much lower acceptance that Paul died.

For those who have heard of PID and/or spent some time researching this mystery, the most prevalent reason to dismiss it is because there is a man alive today, the most famous musician in the world, who calls himself Sir Paul McCartney, still performing concerts and recording music. How is it possible that a musical genius like Beatle Paul McCartney could be replaced by another musical genius – and left-handed bass player – who resembles him? As a lifelong music lover – The Beatles is my all-time favorite band – a truth seeker, and a person with an awareness that we live in an upside-down world where truth is a lie and a lie is truth, this subject has both mystified and perplexed me for many years. Could it really be possible that the Sir Paul we know today is not the original Paul of the Beatles? Could this “stand-in” for Paul – nicknamed “Faul” or fake or false Paul by PID believers – have successfully carried out one of the longest-running masquerades of all times?

The rumor that Paul died in a car crash and was replaced by a double began circulating in 1969. The PID story broke in the U.S. on September 11, 1969 when the Drake-Times Delphic at Drake University, Ohio published the article, “Is Paul McCartney Dead?” My older sister and I were just two of the millions of Beatles’ fans around the world who studied the song and album cover clues, read the news articles and listened to the radio broadcasts. Many believed the explanation that it was all a marketing ploy to sell more records. This defies common sense because entertainment at the time, thanks to the Beatles, was the most profitable industry in the U.K.

Fans began flooding DJs in the U.S. with phone calls. PID became a worldwide news topic, with articles appearing in the Washington Post, Billboard, Variety, the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and many others. Few noticed that in the lower left-hand corner of the 1969 Life magazine cover featuring Sir Faul, his wife Linda and their children, their daughter Heather held a hook-like object identified by many as an ancient artifact called a soul catcher.

The basic views on PID:

  1. Paul never died and the clues in albums, artwork and films were placed there as a joke and/or marketing ploy to sell records and provoke interest in the Beatles. A smaller consensus thinks the clues are part of an occult initiation for fans. Family and friends were in on the joke/game.
  2. Paul died in a car accident and replaced so his female fans would not commit suicide and to continue the massive revenues the Beatles generated for the UK. The clues were placed to relieve the consciences of the Beatles and to tell their fans what happened. His family and friends kept quiet because they did not want to lose Paul again.
  3. Paul was murdered for political reasons because he was going to bring worldwide attention to the view that JFK was killed by a conspiracy; he refused to take LSD, a drug promoted by the MK-ULTRA program; and he spoke out against the Vietnam War. The clues were left so Sir Faul could be acknowledged for the musical contribution he made to the world. For metaphysical reasons the truth could be told in an indirect way and this truth must be disclosed or else there will be karmic consequences. Family and friends kept quiet out of fear.

This article explores the third view which requires an understanding of political assassinations, metaphysical laws, doppelgangers, secret societies, social engineering, and an open-mindedness to psychologically process the possibility. I believe it is likely Paul was killed on September 11, 1966 and replaced by a double, the former William Shepherd, a.k.a. Billy Shears. (Shears was introduced at the end of the song “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”) The Beatles never toured again after 1966 possibly because Bill, an accomplished studio musician, had not yet learned to play bass left-handed and since this was before his plastic surgery, he didn’t yet look enough like Paul to go public. Sir Faul admits in the book “The Memoirs of Billy Shears” he underwent facial surgical reconstruction and was injected with fillers to more closely resemble Paul. A few inches taller than Paul, Sir Faul’s height would be noticeable standing next to John Lennon on stage.

On October 12, 1969, Detroit disk jockey Russ Gibb fulfilled a caller’s request to play the song “Strawberry Fields” backwards (this is one of the most well-known of the clues; many hear “I buried Paul” at the end). (A few years ago, in an interview Gibb said after all these years he still really didn’t know what to think about whether Paul had died or not.)

Evans’ book was never released and may have led to his premature death. Evans’ wife kept her husband’s diary for many years and then allowed The Sunday Times to review it. The published summary left out the year 1966. Neil Aspinall, the Beatles’ road manager, died in 2008, less than a year after he left the Beatles’ company Apple Corps. Cryptic comments dropping hints about Paul’s death and replacement posted under the name of Apollo C. Vermouth have been attributed by some PID researchers to Aspinall. The Beatles Book, a monthly magazine, ran columns by Aspinall, Evans and a “Bill Shepherd.” Dr. Richard Asher, the father of Paul’s girlfriend Jane Asher, was found dead at 57 in his house in April 1969, a supposed suicide. In a 2004 interview with the Telegraph, Jane, who later married, was a successful actress and still beautiful, said, “Life is bloody dark and awful…I don’t think there’s any meaning to anything. I have slightly more of an acceptance that you’re hurtling towards the abyss (than I had before).” Her novels are all about trauma, loss and broken love affairs. “Memoirs” states, “People close to Paul received some compensation. Conspiratorial silence was not for the money and was hardly ever enforced by violent threats as some have suggested. Exposing Faul would cause those who loved him to lose him again.”

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The post The Beatles Conspiracy appeared first on LewRockwell.

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