The CIA Set Up the King of Jordan With Actress Susan Cabot

The CIA organized the first date between Susan Cabot and the King of Jordan in 1959 that led to their relationship, declassified documents show.

The documents – from the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy – show the CIA, in a bid to strengthen relations with Jordan, got an ex-FBI agent to arrange the meeting between King Hussein and Cabot, USA Today reports.

The pair hit it off at a dinner party arranged by Robert Maheu who would go on to become a powerful aide to tycoon Howard Hughes.

The agency then rented a Long Island beach house for King Hussein as he continued his State visit, and arranged for Cabot to stay at a nearby hotel in New York.

Rumors say the relationship went on for a number of years and Cabot gave birth to a son Timothy in 1964, and it is thought that Hussein was the father.

Timothy, who beat Cabot to death in 1986 with a weightlifting bar and during his trial, it was shown that Cabot was still receiving $1,500 a month from Hussein.

The new information has come to light because the CIA contact Maheu was also linked to Castro assassination attempts.

He was investigated as part of the FBI’s probe into JFK’s death, and the notes of that investigation were released late last year after President Trump ordered their declassification.

Susan Cabot was a major movie star in the 1950s and starred in films including Gunsmoke, The Wasp Woman, Tomahawk and Machine-Gun Kelly. She starred alongside Humphrey Bogart in The Enforcer.

She was dragged into the CIA operation when former FBI agent Maheu – who was a ‘cleared [CIA] Office of Security contact’ – was asked to find ‘female companionship’ during the ‘official State visit of a foreign Head of State’ in April 1959, according to the CIA memo.

The document redacts King Hussein’s name, but the memo’s timeline coincides with times the 23-year-old monarch was in the country.

‘The foreign official was especially desirous of female companionship during his Los Angeles visit and it was requested that appropriate arrangements be made through a controlled source of the Office in order to assure a satisfied visit,’ the memo states.

Hussein’s first wife Dina bint Abdul-Hamid had died in 1957 and he didn’t remarry until 1961.

The agency tasked Maheu with this job – who then contacted a ‘prominent Los Angeles attorney and Hollywood figure’ whose name is redacted.

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