Great Smackdowns!

Journalist and rabble-rouser Brandon Morse is apparently pretty tired of responding to the very same nonsense from anti-gunners after every mass shooting. That would explain why he posted a video on YouTube that’s pretty much applicable to every such attack.

Morse noted this video’s origins over at RedState:

Having heard certain arguments made repeatedly from the left, I made a video addressing some of the most common things gun-control advocates say to gun rights supporters. These include statements like “if only all guns in America disappeared, then we’d have no gun problems,” or “if Australia can do it, so can the U.S.,” both being a complete pipe dream.

The original video was made shortly after the San Bernardino shooting, but after the shooting in Broward county, I noticed these same arguments pop up again like clockwork.

He’s right. They are the same arguments. They’re the exact same ones up to and including the liberal saying, “Well, at least I’m trying to do something about the problem!”

They automatically dismiss any efforts that aren’t gun control as not being an effort to try and do something about these shootings. It’s a neat little trap they’ve created, isn’t it? You either support gun control, or you’re OK with kids dying – at least in their little world.

However, as Morse notes, plenty of us are actually trying to combat this problem, too. We’re just taking different approaches.

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The post Great Smackdowns! appeared first on LewRockwell.

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