Lard Is Good for You

Lard has long been maligned as the unhealthiest fat to cook with – but a dietitian has revealed that it may actually be good for you.

Lard – which is made from pig fat – contains ‘good’ fats called monounsaturated fats that research has shown can help lower levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol, Jo Travers of the British Dietetic Association reveals on Monday night’s Food Unwrapped on Channel 4.

Despite outdated research linking unsaturated fats to heart disease, more recent studies reveal that in fact eating healthy unsaturated fats can improve heart health.

And it could even be better for us than butter.

Jo Travers tells co-presenter Matt Tebbutt: ‘Lard has actually quite a lot of the monounsaturated fats, and that is the heart healthy fat.

‘Those kind of fats we actually need in our diets and it has much more in fact than butter does.’

She adds: ‘When you get down to it, there’s nothing actually wrong with including lard in your diet.’

However Jo also reveals that not all lard is created equal and hydrogenated lard can contain unhealthy trans fats.

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