New “Grassley” Memo Exposes More on Coup Against Trump; Stakes Are War or New Paradigm of Development

Yesterday morning, yet more damaging revelations came out on the attempted coup against the U.S. Presidency, from the release of an eight-page memorandum, by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa,) Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which oversees the FBI. Though highly redacted, this document, covering the 2016 Presidential election period, reports that the Clinton campaign shopped anti-Trump charges from an unknown foreign source, into the Obama State Department, from which the charges were then shopped to “ex”-British spy Christopher Steele, who then got them to the media and the FBI. Steele produced a dossier, dated Oct. 19, 2016 — different from the known “dodgy” dossier—which so far has not been made public.

Grassley’s memo was originally written Jan. 4, when he, joined by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), provided it to the relevant Justice Department and FBI authorities, demanding a criminal investigation of Steele. The memo states, “It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility.” Grassley has called for criminal charges to be brought against Steele and all others implicated in this dirty operation.

Yesterday’s developments open a “Phase Two,” coming after the release of the “Nunes” memo on Feb. 2 by Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence. The Nunes memo focusses on the wrongful use of the FISA surveillance authorization process by top anti-Trump FBI and Justice Department figures, and Steele. In the new Grassley memo, the State Department is implicated. More “phases” of revelations are coming. This can blow open the lid on those responsible in London and Washington for what happened in Ukraine, to impose a nazi regime-change through the Maidan process in 2013-14. No wonder that Victoria Nuland yesterday tried to distance herself from Christopher Steele, on CBS News. Nuland, a former Obama State Department official, and Steele et al., directly promoted the Maidan coup.

The impetus for the stream of revelations and prospect of jail for the guilty, is the LaRouchePAC Special Investigative Report, “Robert Mueller Is and Amoral Legal Assassin: He Will Do His Job If You Let Him,” first issued in September, 2017.

The stakes in all this are not simply truth “in the abstract,” but whether there will be war, or a New Paradigm of development—the “New Silk Road.” The Old Paradigm of monetarism and geopolitics is dead, but still dangerous. Those backing it are prepared to trigger war. An expression of this is the cover of The Economist of London for Jan. 25, declaring, “The Next War—the Growing Danger of Great Power Conflict.”

The only winning anti-war drive is the mobilization for a New Paradigm, especially in the Trans-Atlantic, for the emergency measures laid out in the LaRouche Four Laws, and the link-up to the Belt and Road Initiative.

President Donald Trump again expressed his support of restoring manufacturing and jobs in the United States, in his speech today near Cincinatti, Ohio, at a factory. His banner stated, “USA—Open for Business.” It was a profound irony, when announcers broke in breathlessly to interrupt the livestream TV coverage of his speech, to report that the Dow index had just plunged 1600 points!

The world reality is, that the New Paradigm of the New Silk Road is underway. It is the model that works. It is the LaRouches’ decades-long agenda in action. For humanity, the future is ours.

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