Time-Tested Remedies for Your Homeopathic Med Kit

There may be a day when you cannot run to a grocery store or pharmacy for medical supplies. A visit to a doctor may be impossible however there are a number of time-tested remedies that may prove useful. Having certain items on hand can help prepare you for situations where medical attention is necessary.

Here’s what should be in your homeopathic medicine kit

  1. Aloe vera plant – Anyone who has had a sunburn knows how wonderful aloe vera can be to help with healing. Having a plant in your house makes sure you have it on hand and don’t have to run to the store. Fortunately, aloe vera plants are very easy to care for and do well both inside and outside.
  2. Essential oils – While it is key to use essential oils wisely and carefully, they can be a great tool to have on hand for many different conditions. A number of guides are available with all but a list of their uses. Learn about some of them here. The ones I use most often are lavender, peppermint, lemon, a blend of oils for muscle aches, eucalyptus, and Thieves Oil. While there are some very expensive brands, independent tests concur that Rocky Mountain Oils are just as effective and pure.
  3. Lamb’s ear plant – A lamb’s ear plant is a fun plant to have in the garden since it feels very soft and is pretty. However, it can also be used as a bandage and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  4. Teas – Like oils, teas can be used to help various conditions from drowsiness, insomnia and upset stomachs. This article gives a few examples of teas you may want to keep around for extra doses of vitamins.
  5. Vodka – Tonics can be made by infusing vodka with various herbs or plants. A hot pepper tonic can help recover from colds and congestion. Even if you’re a teetotaler, it’s a good idea to keep a few different types of alcohol around as detailed here.
  6. Vitamin E ointment – This inexpensive ointment can help heal skin rashes very quickly. (Tip – this is the best diaper cream I have come across.)
  7. Coconut oil – While this is usually used for cooking, it can also be used as a carrier oil for essential oils and as a skin lotion. It has so many great uses and can be purchased in large quantities.

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