Black Heart

John 1:5 – And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

For me, there is something about the night sky with its countless brilliant stars that evokes feelings of wonder, delight, astonishment, humility and worship. I cannot explain these feelings to anyone who does not have a sense of the numinous, as C.S. Lewis put it, to someone who is convinced there is nothing sacred and that there is no God; perhaps it would be like explaining music to someone who was born deaf or color to one who was born blind, someone too stubborn to believe that things he hasn’t experienced truly exist.

The recent death of a secular saint, the much praised physicist Stephen Hawking, has convinced me that perhaps now is an appropriate time to talk about the life and work of this much lauded man and to make people who have “ears to hear” aware that so much that he promulgated was false. For I understand the saying is not that it’s wrong to speak ill of the dead but instead to speak lies. And both as a scientist and as a human being Hawking was seriously flawed. More troubling than his personal failings is the unanswered question why the so-called elites promote his agenda driven science, a science that observation and reason proves to be fundamentally unsound. Just as the economics of Keynes have been refuted by Austrian theory, Big Bang cosmology and black holes are truly deceptions.

If he’s famous for anything, Hawking is admired and beloved for his work on black holes. I must say on a rational level, before the Internet existed, I didn’t have faith in their concept. We are to believe that stars collapse into a point of infinite density, and within the core of each galaxy, its foundation, what somehow binds hundreds of billions of stars is a supermassive, all-devouring abyss into infinity, a place where everything is destroyed and nothing exists and nothing can escape, “not even light”, perfect all-devouring darkness—in short, something dreadful and terrible, a cosmic Charybdis or the gate to Hades. So at the very center of each galaxy there is a monstrous thing born from a dead star that somehow can consume everything, cannot be observed, and yet also from time to time spews forth incredible amounts of energy. The contradictions abound. Yet I refused to accept that eternal star and world devouring darkness is central to the nature of our universe. I rebelled.

Perhaps by providence I found this book in a Barnes and Noble catalog: The Big Bang Never Happened: A Startling Refutation of the Dominant Theory of the Origin of the Universe, which introduced me to the theories of plasma cosmology. (This is a link to the author’s archived page that was once the entry on Wikipedia and later heavily censored; Lerner although an expert was banned from the site.) I found that Eric Lerner’s work was based on the discipline of plasma cosmology whose father was Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén. And there is now a parallel discipline called the Electric Universe whose proponents have also refuted the existence of black holes, both mathematically and by astronomical observation. In fact, there is an excellent overview on the Electric Universe posted years ago on, titled Electricity Powers the Universe by the late science fiction author James P. Hogan. One of the physicist theorists of the Electric Universe who has written extensively on alternatives to the black hole is Australian Wal Thornhill.  He writes here on The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy:

In the face of discordant data, a scientist is required to check the original works and assumptions that lead to the theory under test. But there are very few such scientists in this modern age. As Sir Fred Hoyle put it, today the pressure is on to “do what aging gurus tell them to do, which is nothing” and simply build on the consensus those gurus have established. A fellow Australian, Stephen Crothers, has shown mathematical theorists to be remarkably unintelligent and sloppy in the application of their talent to physical problems. It seems that most of them don’t really follow the mathematical arguments anyway (which is not surprising) but are happy to extol the results of others, based on reputation, regardless of the principles of physics or commonsense. Crothers has done his historical and mathematical homework and delivered a paper, “The Schwarzschild solution and its implications for gravitational waves,” at the Conference of the German Physical Society, Munich, March 9-13, 2009. He concludes, inter alia, that:

  • “Schwarzschild’s solution” is not Schwarzschild’s solution. Schwarzschild’s actual solution does not predict black holes. The quantity ‘r’ appearing in the so-called “Schwarzschild solution” is not a distance of any kind. This simple fact completely subverts all claims for black holes.
  • Despite claims for discovery of black holes, nobody has ever found a black hole; no infinitely dense point-mass singularity and no event horizon have ever been found. There is no physical evidence for the existence of infinitely dense point-masses.
  • It takes an infinite amount of observer time to verify the presence of an event horizon, but nobody has been and nobody will be around for an infinite amount of time. No observer, no observing instruments, no photons, no matter can be present in a spacetime that by construction contains no matter.
  • The black hole is fictitious and so there are no black hole generated gravitational waves. The international search for black holes and their gravitational waves is ill-fated.
  • The Michell-Laplace dark body is not a black hole. Newton’s theory of gravitation does not predict black holes. General Relativity does not predict black holes. Black holes were spawned by (incorrect) theory, not by observation. The search for black holes is destined to find none.
  • No celestial body has ever been observed to undergo irresistible gravitational collapse. There is no laboratory evidence for irresistible gravitational collapse. Infinitely dense point-mass singularities howsoever formed cannot be reconciled with Special Relativity, i.e. they violate Special Relativity, and therefore violate General Relativity.
  • General Relativity cannot account for the simple experimental fact that two fixed bodies will approach one another upon release. There are no known solutions to Einstein’s field equations for two or more masses and there is no existence theorem by which it can even be asserted that his field equations contain latent solutions for such configurations of matter. All claims for black hole interactions are invalid.
  • Einstein’s gravitational waves are fictitious; Einstein’s gravitational energy cannot be localised; so the international search for Einstein’s gravitational waves is destined to detect nothing. No gravitational waves have been detected.
  • Einstein’s field equations violate the experimentally well-established usual conservation of energy and momentum, and therefore violate the experimental evidence.

In an audience of theoretical physicists there was stunned silence—and not a single question.

Now, I can imagine many readers exploding in emotional fury:

“No, that’s certainly false! Hawking was a genius! All of our experts and scientists know that black holes exist. There’s proof! You’re citing flat earth cranks and lunatics. Einstein has been proven to be right time and time again. Hawking was a great man.”

Not responding with emotion, but reason, I suggest the reader take the time to read Crothers’ paper and visit his website. Thornhill has another post refuting the current dogma here,  The Madness of Black Holes and also here, Electric Galaxies, where he writes:

The gravitational ‘explanation’ of the galactic jet can be summarized in one word—“garbage.” The confident assertion that the galactic nucleus is hiding a supermassive black hole is nonsense. Black holes are a ‘school-kid howler’ perpetrated by top scientists. It involves taking Newton’s gravitational equation to an absurd limit by dividing by zero to achieve an almost infinitely powerful gravitational source. This is done by impossibly squeezing the matter of millions of stars into effectively a point source. And then mysteriously available magnetic fields are pressed into performing miracles to create something that approximates a relativistic jet of matter from an object that is supposed to gobble up anything that comes near.

It is very disturbing that the public accepts this blatant baloney without question. If scientists were forced to defend their statements in a court of law under the rules of evidence, most of the misbegotten ideas that make up modern science would never have survived. Physics would have remained in the classical hands of the experimentalists and the engineers who have to make things work. Countless billions of dollars could have been saved in misdirected and pointless experiments.

The experimental evidence for the electrical nature of galaxies has been available for many decades now. But who has heard anything about it? The lack of debate demonstrates the power of institutionalized science to maintain the “uncanny inertia” of the “erroneous theories” they have introduced into our culture. We have given scientists that power by trusting them more than our commonsense.

In fact, for those who are disinclined to read such technical details, there are videos such as these two that highlight recent findings and observations that support the thesis that there is no black hole at the core of our Milky Way galaxy:

Dr. Dowdye tackled one of the most widely touted predictions of General Relativity (GRT), namely the bending of light paths by massive objects. He presented compelling empirical evidence that the direct relationship between light and gravitation in vacuum space does not exist. Crucially, he pointed out that when GRT was conceived, plasma was unknown, and the limb of the Sun was considered to be a boundary between the photosphere and the vacuum of space. Dr. Dowdye takes account of what is now known to be a plasma atmosphere surrounding the Sun to considerable altitude and applies Gauss’s law of gravitation and conventional optics to the problem.

So perhaps Stephen Hawking was fundamentally wrong about everything he promulgated in his life, especially his militant atheism. And I ask a rhetorical question: which man is closer to finding the truth of the mysteries of our cosmos, the arrogant atheist Stephen Hawking or the humble Christian, Edward Dowdye, Jr.?

The post Black Heart appeared first on LewRockwell.

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