British Push ‘Great Game’ Confrontation against Russia — It’s Foul and Flimsy, and It Can Backfire

To anyone not a moron, the vile nature of the Skripal poisoning/anti-Russia mobilization of Prime Minister Theresa May and cohorts, is a blatant British “Great Game” maneuver to prevent the potential realization of a United States-Russia tilt to “New Silk Road” relations, for peace and development. The entire May anti-Russia international mobilization is just a new phase in the ongoing Trumpgate attempted coup, to bring down the U.S. Presidency. The British are likewise at the center of conducting that phase: MI6, Christopher Steele, Richard Dearlove, Sir Andrew Wood, Robert Mueller, and other henchmen.

There are no legal grounds for the Theresa May campaign to accuse Russia of the March 4 poisoning in Salisbury—no evidence, no analysis, no legal standards. May herself was politically on her way down and out, within only a few days, until this dirty operation was launched; and now the world is expected to hail her as the heroine of “anti-Russia.”

“It’s foul. It’s flimsy,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche said today, noting that it is clearly the British fomenting confrontation. “We can make it backfire,” she said. Stick to the truth, and use all means to expose the evil intent and perpetrators.

It is strategically very important that today, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov reiterated that the commitment is still active, which was made recently by Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump, for a dialogue on stability and security. This is so, despite yesterday’s U.S. pro-British order for expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats and closure of the Seattle Russian consulate. Ryabkov said, in Sputnik today, “We need this dialogue, the presidents of our countries spoke about it in a telephone conversation a few days ago. We are not giving up this dialogue, we will hold it.” Ryabkov otherwise denounced the U.S. expulsions.

Over the last 24 hours, leaders in other countries have spoken out against the bum’s rush by the British. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said today that his nation will not expel Russian diplomats. He said that, Austria is traditionally a neutral country; it is a bridge between East and West. Diplomats are welcome and needed in Austria.

Voices are also raised against the British/EU push for confrontation with Russia, within even Germany, and also Italy. It is reported that at the Brussels summit of EU heads of state and government on March 22-23, a demand for new, harsh sanctions against Russia was made by May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, but was blocked as wrong, by Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni. He then went home, and though he is an outgoing leader, he expelled two Russian diplomats, demonstrating the intense pressure being imposed on the European leaders by the British and their cohorts within the U.S. The action was promptly denounced by others in Italy, as wrong and “premature” in judgment.

On Thursday Trump will visit Northeast Ohio to speak about infrastructure. This is in the heart of the Rust Belt, which would be transformed into a new powerhouse, under conditions determined by collaboration of the United States with Russia and China under the Belt and Road Initiative, and with the LaRouche Four Laws.

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