Liberty’s Teeth

“And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?”

– Thomas Babington Macaulay

Over 98% of all mass shootings in the USSA since 1950 have occurred in gun free zones where the government mandated private disarmament or corporate entities that licked the foul taint of the government to mimic compliance. For the shooters, guaranteed a rather hazard free opportunity to maim and kill as many disarmed humans as they wished or found the time for.

The FBI apparatchiks define a mass shooting as four or more people killed and/or injured during a single shooting incident, and that definition typically is widely accepted by law enforcement agencies, criminal justice experts and the media. One can see the NYPD providing a demonstration here when they shot nine bystanders while trying to apprehend a shooter. Please note that the geniuses in the thick black and blue line charged the man they were shooting at with the casualties.

Only in Amerika.

The FBI has never been a law enforcement arm to protect Americans, its primary charter is similar to the Nazi and communist house security organs to ride herd on the feedlot known as America. Its primary purpose is political fixing and national security state advocacy. The latest kerfuffle with Comrades Comey and Mueller are simply the latest manifestation of the disease vector.

The latest shooting that has the collectivists filling their pants with glee at the prospect of further eroding the tools available for the final push to full communism in the USSA. You’ll note that the overweight but well turned out black and blue line didn’t enter the school until the shooting stopped.

I also suppose that many illegal drugs were freely available at the government mind laundry if one needed to purchase these besides the psychotropics administered by the schoolags themselves. Somewhat takes the wind out of the sails of the gun prohibitionists hoping to keep illegal cargo out of the schools.

The darlings need to get home to their roach motels at the end of their shift.

It’s always amusing to see the nation’s largest boosters of infanticide shedding crocodile tears over the loss of larval stage humans in the indoctrination centers.

The Bolsheviks smell blood, the Amphibian will sign anything that comes across his desk in the Offal Office and the cute Menshevik couple, Mrs. And Mrs. Ryan-McConnell will deliver the hoplophobic goods.

The GOP has never been a friend of private firearms ownership. Ever.

The NRA has been crafting weapons prohibition and restriction legislation since they first started suckling Congressional members in 1934. Karl Frederick, NRA President in 1934, during congressional NFA hearings testified “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I seldom carry one. … I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”

Further: “I believe in regulatory methods. I think that makes it desirable that any such regulations imposed should not impose undue hardships on the law-abiding citizens and that they should not obstruct him in the right of self-defense, but that they should be directed exclusively, so far as possible, to suppressing the criminal use, or punishing the criminal use of weapons.”

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The post Liberty’s Teeth appeared first on LewRockwell.

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