An Illinois County Just Voted To Become a Sanctuary

An Illinois County board just voted to become a sanctuary county for gun owners.  That would entail not enforcing laws that prohibit the basic fundamental human right of self-defense.

The Effingham County Board approved the resolution 8-1 on Monday which declares that they will not enforce gun laws that “unconstitutionally restrict the Second Amendment.” (Of course, that’s all gun laws based on the Constitution.)  Board members said they felt it was necessary to “take a stand” against the immoral and human rights violations in the form of gun control efforts in the Illinois legislature.

Humorously, Effingham County State’s Attorney Bryan Kibler told Fox News that they decided to “flip the script” and “make this a sanctuary county like they [Democrats] would for undocumented immigrants.”  Kibler admitted the action is largely symbolic and Sheriff Dave Mahon told the Effingham Daily News that the board’s decision would not dictate how his office enforces the law.

Mahon did say, however, that if the state passed a gun control law with dubious constitutionality, he would decide how to handle it after consulting with the state’s attorney and the legal counsel of the Illinois Sheriff’s Association.

As gun control activists ramp up efforts to disarm peaceful citizens, some are taking a stand against such tyranny. “The Second Amendment is not about hunting,” Shannon Alford, the National Rifle Association’s Maryland liaison told USA TODAY at a gun rights rally over the weekend. “It is not about competitive shooting. The Second Amendment is about self-defense. It’s about being able to stop people who would do you harm, whether that’s a criminal or the government.”

And self-defense is a basic human right, making those who march in favor of gun control tyrannical fascists. Gun control “across the pond” hasn’t worked out very well.  Those who defend themselves from thieves are being punished while the criminals are allowed to slash and stab their way through London. But what’s the solution to increased shootings and stabbings in the wake of making an entire nation a gun-free zone? If you ask London’s mayor, it’s more knife control, and no, that’s not a joke. 

Reprinted with permission from

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