Are You Smarter Than an 11-Year-Old?

As year six students across the country nervously prepare to take their SATs tests, a group of adults are going back to try their hand at the exams meant for 11-year-olds – with some very surprising results.

Channel 4’s Class Of Mum And Dad gets 19 parents to take the exams – but more than half failed them on their first go.

The average age of the group was 40, but they were all put in their school uniforms to see how they could cope in school in 2018.

The adults, who include a legal secretary, a managing director, a percussionist and a physiotherapist, are expected to do everything school children do, including eating the school dinners, SAT tests and homework.

In fact one parent, Julia, 47, ended up crying in the toilets when she struggled to answer maths questions.

But how would you do in your SATs as an adult? Take the test below to find out?


1. 779 X 68

2. 7.1 – 0.9

3. 3692 ÷ 71

4. 26,734 + 45,659

5. 6 pencils cost £1.68 – 3 pencils and 1 rubber cost £1.09 – What is the cost of 1 rubber?

6. A packet contains 1.5kg of oats. Every day Maria uses 50g of oats to make porridge. How many days does the packet of oats last?

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The post Are You Smarter Than an 11-Year-Old? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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