Tricky Math Problem Sweeping Social Media

A tricky maths problem is sweeping the internet – with many offering lengthy explanations of how to solve the question.

Sharing the puzzle online, mathematician Ed Southall, from the University of Huddersfield, posted an image of a pink triangle inside a square, along with the deceivingly simple question: ‘What fraction is shaded?’

Dozens of social media users shared their attempts at solving the difficult problem online, with some admitting they had been left scratching their heads.

However, education charity CEO David Weston has managed to offer a simple explanation of the correct answer.

Mathematician Ed Southall, from the University of Huddersfield, shared the tricky maths problem online 

The key to getting the correct answer – which is a third – is working out that the height of the triangle is two thirds the height of the square.

David explained: ‘Pink triangle and little triangle have all the same angles: they’re “similar”.

‘Base of pink is twice base of little [triangle]. So height of pink is also twice height of little.

‘So height of pink is 2/3 of whole square.’

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The post Tricky Math Problem Sweeping Social Media appeared first on LewRockwell.

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