UK Porton Down Lab Unable To Identify Russia

Sky News reports that the Chief of Britain’s Military Research Center of Porton Down says experts were unable to identify the precise source of nerve agent that was used in poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

In what can only be described as a complete and massive embarrassment to the ‘Theresa May – Boris Johnson’ hoax poisoning narrative that has been pushed by western mainstream media over the last two weeks, scientists from Porton Down have not been able to establish where the Novichok nerve agent used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal was made.

Via Sky News…

Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at Porton Down, told Sky News they had not been able to prove it was made in Russia.

He said: “We were able to identify it as novichok, to identify that it was military-grade nerve agent.

“We have not identified the precise source, but we have provided the scientific info to government who have then used a number of other sources to piece together the conclusions you have come to.”

He said establishing its origin required “other inputs”, some of them intelligence-based, that the Government has access too.

Mr Aitkenhead added: “It is our job to provide the scientific evidence of what this particular nerve agent is, we identified that it is from this particular family and that it is a military grade, but it is not our job to say where it was manufactured.”

However, he confirmed the substance required “extremely sophisticated methods to create, something only in the capabilities of a state actor”.

He said there is no known antidote to novichok, and that none was administered to either of the Skripals.

Porton Down’s boss would not comment on whether the lab had developed or keeps stocks of novichok, but dismissed suggestions the agent used to poison the Skripals came from Porton Down.

“There is no way anything like that could have come from us or left the four walls of our facility,” said Mr Aitkenhead.

It comes as the chemical weapons watchdog said it would hold a special meeting on Wednesday into the UK government’s claim that Russia was behind the attack.

The OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) said its executive council would meet in the morning in The Hague, on Russia’s request.

In a letter, Russia’s ambassador to the OPCW, Alexander Shulgin, asked for the meeting to discuss Britain’s allegations “in a confidential sitting”.

OPCW experts have taken samples from Salisbury to try to verify the nerve agent used and its origin.

Moscow’s deputy foreign minister, Alexander Grushko, noted that the poisonings may have been set up by the UK to justify increasing military spending.

Mr Grushko stated the attempted murders could have been “arranged by Britain” because “they need a major enemy”.

The post UK Porton Down Lab Unable To Identify Russia appeared first on LewRockwell.

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