When Harry Became Sally

Seeking the truth ought to be our prime directive in our quest for knowledge, understanding, and hopefully wisdom. What Dr. Ryan T. Anderson offers to us in this impeccably researched volume is a clear-eyed search for truth and the fruit of that labor in prose that strikes the right balance of precision and readability for a wide audience.

Transgender Ideology and its powerful ally of Identity Politics seems to have become a fierce intellectual contagion wreaking havoc on its would be opponents.

If you want to begin to make sense of what’s happening, get the context of, and prepare for the struggle that is quickly engulfing our culture, then read this book.

Whether it’s the infiltration of schools with the “Genderbread Person” – a perverse sexually neutral device aimed at kids to steer them into self identifying as queer or other “expressions” – or the exploitation of vulnerable children given heavy meds to torture their natural development until surgery is used causing irreversible emotional pain and physical damage. One cannot help but be heart broken for the children who become the disposable means of achieving their Transgender ideological ends.

What’s to be done? Dr. Anderson illuminates the complexity of the issues and offers a compassionate yet uncompromising way forward.

Thank you Dr. Anderson for investing so much of your time, talent, and treasure in an area of immense importance, and I imagine a book such as this will come with a significant cost to you.

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam.

Reprinted from Amazon.com.

The post When Harry Became Sally appeared first on LewRockwell.

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