A Needed Burst of Optimism

Direct collaboration between President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping at the end of this week pulled China and the U.S. back from the brink of a highly dangerous potential trade war between the two countries, a scenario devoutly desired and orchestrated by the British Empire and their free-trade acolytes in Washington. The problem is not over, but a collaborative course has been struck for a win-win approach, and further negotiations will now proceed.

Similarly, the extremely dangerous situation on the Korean Peninsula, which the British have also been trying to use as a trigger for a strategic showdown between the U.S. and Russia and China, has instead moved in the direction of cooperation for a peaceful resolution based on combined economic development in the region. In this case it was again the direct Trump-Xi channel that was decisive.

As both cases demonstrate, the worst of strategic dangers can be transformed into “the best of all possible worlds,” when there is the political will to do so—as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has stressed.

Putting out such strategic fires set by the British arsonists is crucial, but a deeper problem remains. It is necessary to reverse the underlying shift into a paradigm of economic collapse and cultural pessimism in the West. Consider the report issued earlier this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that the fertility rate in the United States has fallen to a 40-year low, with just 1.76 children per woman of childbearing age. Even the total number of births dropped in 2017, “down 2% from 2016 and the lowest number in 30 years,” the CDC reported. This goes hand-in-hand with earlier reports of rising death rates over recent years in nearly all segments of the U.S. population, principally from causes related to the culture of despair that has spread across the country since the assassination of JFK: drug overdoses, suicides, and so on.

One is reminded of the similar cultural pessimism that spread across Europe during the period of the 14th century Black Death. Not only did death rates soar as a direct result of the bubonic plague, but marriage and birth rates fell, as despair over the future, over man’s ability to conquer such problems, seized control of society.

Contrast that human condition, with the excitement caused by today’s news that China successfully launched its Chang’e-4 relay satellite into lunar orbit, as part of its upcoming exploration of the far side of the Moon; or with the optimistic mood shift underway across Africa and every part of the world that has joined with the Belt and Road great projects.

The United States and Europe also require such a burst of optimism. That can only come from establishing a Four Power alliance—with Russia, China and India—as specified by Lyndon LaRouche, for the purpose of ending the British Empire and transforming China’s Belt and Road Initiative into a full-scale World Land-Bridge, whose next mission is to take Mankind out into the Solar System.

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