Are You Dehydrated?

Now that summer is here it’s important to remember to constantly stay hydrated and you can easily test if you’re dehydrated with a simple three-second pinch test.

The pinch test involves checking the skin turgor – the skin’s elasticity – which is what allows the skin to change its shape and return to normal – in order to find out whether or not you’re dehydrated.

All you have to do is pinch your skin for a few seconds to see if your skin returns to its regular shape after being held together for awhile and depending on what your results were, health experts shared their tips on how to easily remain hydrated all day long.

To test the skin turgor to find out if you’re dehydrated, simply pinch the skin with two fingers on your abdomen, the front of your hand or the skin on your chest just below the collarbone for a few seconds, holding it in place as you pinch.

After pinching your skin for a few seconds let go and if the skin immediately returns to its regular position that means you have normal turgor which shows you’re hydrated enough.

However, if your skin takes a moment to return to normal, that means you have poor turgor which is a sign of fluid loss due to dehydration and you need fluids, according to Medline Plus.

When performing the test which can easily be done anywhere – even at your desk – make sure to check and see if your skin ‘tents,’ meaning your skin stays upright from the pinch for a second longer than normal.

If you’re only slightly dehydrated it can be shown if the skin moves a little slower than usual – but severe dehydration would occur if your skin turgor took a long time to get back in place.

In the case that the pinch test proved you’re dehydrated, don’t fret because doctors revealed helpful tips to get hydrated quickly through fluids, eating properly and skincare to ensure you don’t get dehydrated.

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The post Are You Dehydrated? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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