Are You Smarter Than an 8-Year-Old?

A homework question intended for eight-year-old students has left grown adults scratching their heads.

Mumsnet users have been trying to solve a riddle that asks when different lighthouses will shine their lights at the same time and when they will be off at the same time.

The question is answered by working out the common multiples between the schedules of the lighthouses.

However, none of the parents could seem to agree on the correct answer – so can you work it out?

Mumsnet users have been left stumped by this maths question aimed at primary school age children – but can you solve it?

The question has been branded ‘ridiculous’ by parents, who said it was too hard for year four students to work out.

The puzzle reads:  ‘On the coast there are three lighthouses.

‘The first light shines for 3 seconds then it is off for three seconds. The second light shines for 4 seconds then it is off for 4 seconds. The third light shines for 5 seconds then it is off for 5 seconds. All three lights have just come on together.

‘When is the first time that all three of the lights will be off together?

‘When is the next time that all three lights will come on at exactly the same moment?’

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The post Are You Smarter Than an 8-Year-Old? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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