Depression Soars

By Dr. Mercola

Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS),1 a major U.S. medical insurer, suggests more than 4 percent of commercially insured Americans, or roughly 9 million people, suffer from clinical depression. Moreover, they report depression rates have jumped by 33 percent in the past five years, steadily increasing across all age and gender groups — with the rates of incidence for adolescents and millennials being of notable concern.

The implications of this data are far-reaching, especially given the reality that most people struggling with depression are also dealing with one or more other chronic health conditions, BCBS says. If you suffer from depression, you may also be affected by anxiety, diabetes, heart disease or another chronic illness. As the rates of depression continue to rise, you may be wondering what can be done to treat it. The good news is a number of natural treatments exist that will do more good for you than pharmaceutical drugs ever could.

Health Insurer BCBS Reports Depression Rates up 33 Percent in 5 Years

Based on insurance claims filed by 41 million of its privately insured members, BCBS reports diagnoses of clinical depression — also known as major depression — have risen by 33 percent during the past five years.2 Given the reality most sufferers of depression also battle other health conditions, such as anxiety, chronic illness or substance abuse, BCBS says major depression ranks behind high blood pressure as “the second most impactful condition on the overall health of commercially insured Americans.” 3

According to the report,4 women of any age are more likely than men to be clinically depressed. Since 2013, depression diagnoses have increased across every demographic, with the most dramatic increase noticeable among younger Americans. In the past five years, depression diagnosis rates have spiked:

  • 65 percent among adolescent girls
  • 47 percent among adolescent boys
  • 47 percent among millennials

Depressed men and women may lose, on average, up to 9.6 years of healthy life, the report says. “Some of the literature is already starting to predict that by 2030 depression will be the No.1 cause for loss of longevity or life,” says Dr. Trent Haywood, chief medical officer for the BCBS Association.5

Does Where You Live Affect Depression Rates?

Although screening standards and environmental and socioeconomic differences vary across states and likely have some bearing on the BCBS data, where you live may be a factor for depression. (Keep in mind all of these numbers apply only to the group of privately insured Americans included in the BCBS claim sample. Rates of depression may be higher or lower in the general population.) With respect to geography, BCBS noted:6,7

  • Higher rates of major depression were observed in New England and the Pacific Northwest, as well as some pockets across the Midwest and South
  • Maine, Minnesota, Rhode Island and Utah each have depression rates on the high side, around 6 percent
  • Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona have the lowest rates of depression at around 2 to 3 percent
  • From 2013 to 2016, 49 of the 50 states saw increasing rates of depression diagnoses, with only Hawaii showing a slight decline

Move Over Depression — Levels of Loneliness Also Increasing

Given the increasing rates of anxiety and depression, as well as the potentially negative effects associated with psychiatric drugs, I urge you to consider natural treatments ahead of pharmaceuticals. Below are some alternatives you may want to consider:

Breathing exercises

The way you breathe is intricately connected to your mental state. I’ve previously published interviews with Patrick McKeown, a leading expert on the Buteyko Breathing Method, and I highly recommend the approach.

Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure

Exposure to microwave radiation from baby monitors, cellphones, cellphone towers, portable phones, smart meters and Wi-Fi routers may be influencing your mental health more than you know. At a minimum, turn off these gadgets or keep them at a distance when you are sleeping.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

In the video above, EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman demonstrates how to use tapping to address depression.


Daily movement of some kind is necessary for optimal health and regular exercise is vital to your mental and physical well-being. Set a goal to walk at least 10,000 steps a day and consider cardio, stretching and weight training, too.

Gut health

Gastrointestinal abnormalities have been linked to a variety of psychological problems, including anxiety and depression, so be sure to eat a fiber-rich diet. Also consider eating fermented foods or taking a probiotic supplement.

Nutritional imbalances

A few of the nutritional imbalances known to contribute to mental health problems involve lack of animal-based omega-3 fats, B vitamins, magnesium and vitamin D.

Mindfulness training and/or a spiritual practice

Meditation (including mindfulness meditation), prayer and other spiritual practices are not only calming and soothing, but they also help enliven the connection among your mind, body and emotions.


Also known as magic mushrooms, psilocybin, though not yet legal in the U.S., may be a game changer in the treatment for severe anxiety and depression. Use it only under the guidance of a licensed medical professional.


You may realize sleep has a direct effect on your cognition, memory and mood and you probably know most adults need seven to nine hours of high-quality sleep each night. If you have trouble getting the sleep you need, check out my article 33 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep.

Sugar and processed foods

Your diet plays a key role in your mental health and eating sugar-laden and processed foods does very little to feed your brain or balance your mood. A few small changes with respect to your food choices could make a huge difference in your mental health.


All sorts of helpful therapies exist that can help ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression. A few you may want to consider are acupuncture, cranial sacral massage, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), nature sounds, talk therapy and yoga, to name a few. Any therapeutic activity that promotes relaxation and mind-body awareness is worth considering.

Toxic exposures

Toxic exposures can influence your health in huge ways. For example, a common symptom of toxic mold exposure is anxiety, so pay attention if your symptoms improve when you spend time away from your home or office. If you’ve been putting it off, now is the time to replace toxic products with natural alternatives for household cleaning and personal care.

Your mental health is as important as your physical health and it requires your attention. Take steps today to begin caring for yourself mentally and emotionally. Even if you have not received an official diagnosis, you are very likely affected by occasional bouts of anxiety and depression. As a preventative measure, you can benefit from taking up an item or two from the table above. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Sources and References

The post Depression Soars appeared first on LewRockwell.

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