Hamilton’s Curse

Watching the news, I have been wondering, “How on Earth did we get into this shape?” I found the answer to that question in this book. While Dilorenzo goes well out of his way to tar Alexander Hamilton with a bad reputation, Hamilton did much to deserve such treatment. Every last annoying thing the Federal Government has done today can be traced back to Hamilton or one of Hamilton’s ideas. Our sick banking system and its rotten currency are chief among these problems. All of them stemmed from Hamilton’s efforts to establish and maintain a national debt along with a central bank and its attendant inflation. Want to know why your pay does not keep up with your bills? First check to see how much you spend each month and then, if you are not spending more than you make, read this book. You will find the answer in this acerbic book.

Reprinted from Amazon.com.

The post Hamilton’s Curse appeared first on LewRockwell.

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