Hillary’s Long-Festering E-mail Scandal Heats Up

A highly anticipated report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General could be made public within days, as a pair of congressional panels prepare for hearings on how the FBI handled the Hillary Clinton probe.

The Senate Judiciary on Tuesday gave notice that on June 5, it will hold a hearing titled: ‘Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election.’

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to testify, Fox News reported.

Horowitz has completed his draft report and has already solicited comment from the FBI and the Justice Department.

The hearings would seem to imply that the final report would be scheduled for release by then.

Even in its uncompleted form, the report already resulted in a criminal referral for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired just before his planned retirement following a finding he leaked information to the Wall Street Journal.

The probe examines the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

The House Oversight Committee also plans to bring in Horowitz.

Horowitz has spent a year culling through documents and interviewing officials as he examines the FBI’s unusual handling of the case.

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