LaRouche: “A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System”

The British Empire and allied forces have launched a series of coordinated attacks globally, designed to ensure that no lasting coalition for development and peace is formed around the planet’s four leading powers—Russia, China, India and the United States. These attacks include escalating provocations intended to unleash surrogate war in the Middle East (Iran and Syria); in Ukraine; and on the Korean Peninsula—all designed to ultimately escalate to a global war of the U.S. against Russia and China.

At the same time, and with closely choreographed timing, those same British forces have escalated their witch-hunt against President Donald Trump, resorting to fishing expeditions as transparently egregious as they are dangerous. The latest is the leaked threat that Special Counsel Robert Mueller may subpoena President Trump to answer his also-leaked 40 questions, should the President refuse to do so “voluntarily.”

President Trump himself answered pointedly in a tweet this morning: “There is no Obstruction of Justice (that is a setup & trap). What there is is Negotiations going on with North Korea over Nuclear War…”

To put a sharp point on it: The British drive for war and the British drive to overthrow the President of the United States, are parallel operations with a single strategic objective. There can be no successful defense of the Presidency against the Mueller dirty operation, without also stopping the drive to use Iran, Syria, Korea, and Ukraine to unleash war against Russia and China. Conversely, the British drive for war and overthrowing the entire Westphalian system by ripping valid international law to shreds with military strikes and wars, cannot be stopped without defeating the Mueller-FBI coup against President Trump.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike—as well as people in other nations—need to wake up to this fact, before it is too late. You cannot choose which part of the single, British operation you wish to oppose, and which you wish to support, based on your sincerely-held ideological prejudices.

The time has come for morality guided by science, in the manner exemplified by Lyndon LaRouche’s proposal for a Four-Power agreement.

LaRouche’s first major public presentation of this policy idea came in a Dec. 3, 2008 Forum for Strategic and Security Studies in New Delhi, India, where he was a featured speaker. LaRouche later expanded on the strategy in an Oct. 10, 2009 address titled “A Four-Power Agreement Can Create a New World Credit System,” delivered to the Seventh Annual Session of the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations, held on the Island of Rhodes in Greece. LaRouche summarized this Rhodes speech in remarks he delivered to a private luncheon for diplomats in Washington, D.C. less than a month later, on Nov. 4, 2009.

In reading the following brief excerpt from those luncheon remarks, we remind the reader that they were made nearly four years before Chinese President Xi Jinping announced his policy of the New Silk Road, today known as the Belt and Road Initiative.

“It was my job [at Rhodes] to present clearly what a Four-Power agreement among the United States, Russia, China, and India, and other countries brought into the same agreement, would mean for the planet. It would mean that we would have a convention, an agreement on forming a new system, scrapping the present monetary system, which can be scrapped because it is already bankrupt…

“Russia and China were on the verge of a negotiation, in this period, in which China has a trillion-dollar obligation of the United States, which is owed to China… What happened between the negotiations between Russia and China, was essentially an arrangement to utilize the legitimate debt which China is owed against the United States’ promises, and to use that, to monetize it, by investing it in something productive, which would be useful for Asia. And a very large-scale project of transportation and related systems, was agreed upon between Russia and China.

“The intent was not to stop there: The intent is to extend this kind of agreement to Southeast Asia generally, and to include India. The intention of some of us, is to bring the United States into the same arrangement. Because, the combined power of the United States, Russia, China, India, and nations who wish to be associated with them in this kind of venture, is the greatest financial, economic power on the planet. If that planetary power decides to do what must be done, we can reorganize and rebuild the world, and shift quickly from a downward process, into an upward process. That’s our option.

“The key thing has to be: the United States, Russia, China, and India. Without an agreement among those four nations, such a recovery of the world is not possible. With those four nations, and other nations—such as, immediately, Southeast Asia, Korea, Japan, and so forth—other nations come in, and now we’re talking about the possibility of a general program, of creating a new, world fixed-exchange-rate system, as a credit system, not a monetary system, but a credit system of fixed-exchange rate agreements, for long-term cooperation, in infrastructure investments, which will be drivers for the development of productive investments.

“By infrastructure, we mean, first of all, large-scale transportation: modern rail, and superior to rail [mag-lev], of land transport. The object is to be able to travel by land across Eurasia, through the Bering Strait, into the Americas, and through the Middle East, into all of Africa. We can thus make connections, in these kinds of mass transit, which are more efficient than water-borne transport, and which will be a driver for development in every area through which such rail and related systems travel.”

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