Don’t Sleep The Summer; History Could Change Completely

LaRouchePAC organizers in Northern NJ organizing for LaRouche's Four Laws. May 2018 (Photo Sylvia Rosas / LaRouchePAC)

Three events by the Schiller Institute show that the new paradigm of economic progress and cooperation among nations which has emerged from Asia, and is starting to transform Africa, can reach into Europe, into war-afflicted Southwest Asia, and can engage President Donald Trump’s America.

On May 30 the Institute joined with China’s embassy in Sweden and the China-Sweden Business Council, to gather a large diplomatic and business audience and make clear why China’s Belt and Road Initiative has grabbed the attention of Eastern Europe and offers economic revival to Western Europe as well. On June 6, the Schiller Institute and Yemen General Investment Authority present a new report on how to rebuild Yemen with the Belt and Road Initiative, even as Saudi Arabia and its “coalition” are attacking and bombing Yemen’s sole lifeline port of Hodeida.

And on June 9 at the Schiller Institute conference in New York, its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be joined by speakers from UN consulates and American leaders pushing President Trump to have a summit with Russian President Putin — indispensable for peace in the Mideast and security worldwide.

That the President’s summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un next Tuesday may lead to thawing the world’s oldest, “insoluble” frozen conflict, is testimony to the new paradigm of national cooperation which has developed in Asia. China, Russia, Japan, India, of course South Korea, are all working for President Trump’s success, allowing him greater freedom to change his approach to a summit process toward denuclearization.

His success will be theirs as well, because of the infrastructural connectivity breakthoughs for all of Eurasia, which can follow peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Later, a Trump-Putin summit, now being worked on against the screaming opposition of British geopolitics and its followers, could bring the same process even into the war zone of Southwest Asia.

Helga LaRouche today described the prospects of the work toward “principles of a shared destiny of mankind” as hopeful. Western Europe, she added, will either replace its current principles (of austerity toward mankind), or explode. Even the halting signs of economic growth in America during Trump’s presidency, have been enough to cause financial circles to decry “decoupling” with a Europe falling back again toward zero growth or worse.

And they are halting, combined with cultural and post-industrial diseases causing American life expectancies to fall and great missions like space exploration to be lost.

We will campaign for Lyndon LaRouche’s “four new economic laws” method for economic revival. Glass-Steagall to break up Wall Street, and national banking to replace it with productive credit, have already been tentatively raised in Italy’s new government. In the United States they have to lead to “science drivers,” crash programs for fusion power and exploration of the Solar System, which bring explosions in productivity.

That is the new paradigm on which the Asian powers want the cooperation of the United States.


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Don’t Sleep The Summer; History Could Change Completely

LaRouchePAC organizers in Northern NJ organizing for LaRouche's Four Laws. May 2018 (Photo Sylvia Rosas / LaRouchePAC)

Three events by the Schiller Institute show that the new paradigm of economic progress and cooperation among nations which has emerged from Asia, and is starting to transform Africa, can reach into Europe, into war-afflicted Southwest Asia, and can engage President Donald Trump’s America.

On May 30 the Institute joined with China’s embassy in Sweden and the China-Sweden Business Council, to gather a large diplomatic and business audience and make clear why China’s Belt and Road Initiative has grabbed the attention of Eastern Europe and offers economic revival to Western Europe as well. On June 6, the Schiller Institute and Yemen General Investment Authority present a new report on how to rebuild Yemen with the Belt and Road Initiative, even as Saudi Arabia and its “coalition” are attacking and bombing Yemen’s sole lifeline port of Hodeida.

And on June 9 at the Schiller Institute conference in New York, its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be joined by speakers from UN consulates and American leaders pushing President Trump to have a summit with Russian President Putin — indispensable for peace in the Mideast and security worldwide.

That the President’s summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un next Tuesday may lead to thawing the world’s oldest, “insoluble” frozen conflict, is testimony to the new paradigm of national cooperation which has developed in Asia. China, Russia, Japan, India, of course South Korea, are all working for President Trump’s success, allowing him greater freedom to change his approach to a summit process toward denuclearization.

His success will be theirs as well, because of the infrastructural connectivity breakthoughs for all of Eurasia, which can follow peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Later, a Trump-Putin summit, now being worked on against the screaming opposition of British geopolitics and its followers, could bring the same process even into the war zone of Southwest Asia.

Helga LaRouche today described the prospects of the work toward “principles of a shared destiny of mankind” as hopeful. Western Europe, she added, will either replace its current principles (of austerity toward mankind), or explode. Even the halting signs of economic growth in America during Trump’s presidency, have been enough to cause financial circles to decry “decoupling” with a Europe falling back again toward zero growth or worse.

And they are halting, combined with cultural and post-industrial diseases causing American life expectancies to fall and great missions like space exploration to be lost.

We will campaign for Lyndon LaRouche’s “four new economic laws” method for economic revival. Glass-Steagall to break up Wall Street, and national banking to replace it with productive credit, have already been tentatively raised in Italy’s new government. In the United States they have to lead to “science drivers,” crash programs for fusion power and exploration of the Solar System, which bring explosions in productivity.

That is the new paradigm on which the Asian powers want the cooperation of the United States.


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