The World Is Poised on the Brink of a New Order of Peace and Development

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo toasts DPRK Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee Kim Yong Chol at a working dinner in New York City on May 30, 2018. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

A truly spectacular transformation in the history of Mankind is now in clear sight, in the near future, if the citizens of the world have the courage to seize the opportunity. One recalls Friedrich Schiller’s famous epigram “The Moment,” reflecting on the results of the French Revolution:

“A momentous epoch hath the cent’ry engender’d,
Yet the moment so great findeth a people so small.”

Can the human race today rise to the greatness of this moment?

The Spirit of the New Silk Road, a process initiated by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in the 1990s and embraced so powerfully by Xi Jinping five years ago, has brought about this great moment, together with the historical revolt of populations in the US and Europe against the cultural and economic decay across the western world. This is reflected in Brexit, the Trump election, the recent Italian election, and similar stirrings elsewhere.

Today, the divisions of the world into geopolitical blocs — the core of the British Empire’s capacity to maintain the power of the financial oligarchy in the City of London and Wall Street — is crumbling before our eyes. President Donald Trump has launched a peace and development process in the Korean Peninsula, working closely with China, Russia, and Japan. U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman has announced that the urgently needed summit between Trump and President Vladimir Putin is finally being organized, with an agenda to resolve the remaining “cockpits for war” in Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe, especially Syria and Ukraine. In all such hot spots, success depends entirely on all parties following the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche — get the tractors rolling immediately, drive the development process from the beginning as the necessary condition for any political agreements. This is the premise of the New Silk Road — the win-win belief in the common aims and common rights of all people, creating peace through development.

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his keynote speech to the Shangra-La Dialogue in Singapore on Friday, made clear that India will be part of this win-win approach, issuing a passionate plea for Asian nations, and all nations, to be finished with “great power rivalries,” adding: “Asia of rivalry will hold us all back. Asia of cooperation will shape this century.”

Ambassador Huntsman told “Fox and Friends” yesterday morning, when asked about plans for a Putin-Trump summit, that “both sides are looking favorably on that,” and that: “It is inconceivable to conclude that you can settle down the Mideast without the United States and Russia dealing with the hornets’ nest of an issue called Syria. And, it’s inconceivable that you can deal rationally with strategic stability and nuclear weapons when our two countries possess 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. Isolation doesn’t fix things. It’s coming together.”

Trump is taking bold steps. The Russiagate scam continues to unravel, as the exposure by the LaRouche organization of the British role in the attempted coup against the President of the United States is now a leading feature even in the mainstream media. The complicit players within the Obama Administration’s intelligence community are now facing potential criminal prosecution themselves, and are further exposing themselves in their panic. Obama’s DNI James Clapper literally bragged to Bloomberg News Saturday that he and others “manipulated” foreign elections and “overthrew governments” on a regular bases, but that this is OK since “it was done with the best interests of the people in that country in mind — given the traditional reverence for human rights.” History will account for the “human rights” provided by the Anglo-American cabal to the people of Vietnam, of Iraq, of Libya, and of Syria, among others. It is precisely this mentality of “regime change” — simply a new term for the British Empire’s geopolitics — which Trump has rejected, and which is a major cause of the British panicked attempt to destroy him.

The new paradigm now coming into being is endangered by the rapidly deteriorating condition of the Western financial system. The European sector of that system is facing the revolt in Italy, the crisis at Deutsche Bank, and other potential sparks which could ignite the massive derivative bubble which is propping up the entire edifice. With Trump breaking free of the British coup plot, he must act swiftly to implement a Hamiltonian reform of the financial system, as presented in LaRouche’s Four Laws, to make it possible for the nation to both participate in, and contribute to, the unfolding of the Silk Road development process in every part of the world and beyond.


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