This Week In Congress

The Senate is voting on nominations.

The House is in Tuesday through Friday. Among the bills on the agenda is H.R. 3249, which creates block grants for “project safe neighborhoods”. These grants are to enhance cooperation between federal state and local governments in preventing crime. Among the uses of the funds are enforcing gun laws—in other words violating our second amendment.

Of course, many Republicans say we need to enforce existing laws, instead of passing new ones. I’d rather Congress passed new laws that were never enforced.

The House will also consider H.R. 5885, which combines Appropriations for Energy and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction bills. These are the easiest appropriations bills to pass, and this package could serve as the vehicle for an end-of-year Omnibus spending bill.

The bill appropriates $44.7 billion for Energy and Water—$1.5 bullion above last year’s bill and $8.7 billion above the President’s request.

The bill appropriates $3.8 billion for legislative branch appropriations. This is a $132 million increase above last year’s level. The President does not submit requests for the Legislative Branch out of respect for the separation of Powers.

The bill appropriates $96.9 billion for military contraction and veterans affairs— $4.2 billion above FY 2018 . That officer includes $932.4 million in Overseas Contingency Operations Funding.

So, the bill spends a total of $144.8 billion—$5.832 billion more than last year.

The Rules Committee meets tomorrow to consider amendments. Appropriations bills used to be brought up under open rules, but that has changed in recent years as House leadership has blocked appropriations amendments to protect their members from voting on controversial issues. Cause that’s not the job of a Representative.

The House will also consider H.R. 8, the Water Resources Development Act. This bill authorizes and sets funding levels for Corp of Engineers’ projects.

The House will also consider a number of bills under suspension of the rules including:

  1. H.R. 4997– Waives the appreciation fee for veterans if Washington holds a rally or demonstration at a war memorial or on federal  land.

This week I. Congress


The Senate is  voting on nominations.


The House is in Tuesday through Friday. Among the bills on the agenda is HR 3249, which creates block grants for “project safe neighborhoods “. These grants are to enhance cooperation between federal state and local governments in preventing crime. Among the uses of the funds are enforcing gun laws—in other words violating our second amendment.


Of course, many Republicans say we need to enforce existing laws, instead of passing new ones. I’d rather Congress passed new laws that where never enforced.


The House will also consider HR 5885, which combines Appropriations for Energy  and Water, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction bills. These are the easiest appropriations bills to pass, and this package could serve as the vehicle for an end-of-year Omnibus spending bill.


The bill appropriates $44.7 billion for Energy and Water—$1.5 bullion above last year’s bill and $8.7 billion above the President  request.


The bill appropriated $3.8 billion for legislative branch  appropriations. This is a $132 million increase above last year’s level. The President does not submit request for Levitative Branch out of respect for the separation of Powers.


The bill appropriates $96.9 billion for military contraction and veterans affairs— a $4.2 billion above FY 2018 . That officer incudes $932.4 million in Overseas Contingency Operations Funding.


So, the bill spends a total of $144.8 billion—$5.832 billion more than last year.


The Rules Committee meets tomorrow to consider  amendments. Appropriations bills used to be brought up under open rules, but that has changed in recent years as House leadership has blocked appropriations amends to protect  there ,embers form voting on controversial issues. Cause that’s not the job of a Representative.


The House will also consider HR 8, the Water  Resources Development Act. This bill authorizes and sets funding levels for Corp of Engineers’   projects.


The House will also consider a number of bills under suspension of the rules including:


  1. HR 4997– Waives the appreciation fee for veterans Washington hold a rally or demonstration at a war memorial or on federal  land.

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