Day of Action against the Con-Con and NPV

Beginning the week of the 17th (Constitution Day) MIC4L will be sending out daily blasts against both the Constitutional Convention and the National Popular Vote (or as we are referring to it, the National Voter Disenfranchisement).

Con-Con is identified in legislation as HJR-V and SJR-R (Both have passed committee).

NPV is identified in legislation as HB6323 and SB-1117

You can help by calling your state legislator in both chambers from now and especially on the 25th when legislators reconvene.

We will meet on Tuesday the 25th at 8:45 in the Anderson House Building Lobby located at 124 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933.

Assignments will be given then.

If you prefer to make calls, find your legislator in the State House here>>

And find your State Senator here>>

The NPV or “National Voter Disenfranchisement” will ensure that the largest populated states will determine the outcome for Presidential elections, thus rendering most states as fly-over states and largely ignored. Elections will become centralized, effectively a National TV ad campaign in most states.

The Same legislators are also pushing for a Constitutional Convention and in this political climate we cannot trust those legislators who seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouth in pushing both measures.

The fact is there is NO guarantee of what could transpire once the gavel is dropped and the doors of convention are locked.

Michigan Campaign for Liberty rejects both measures.

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