Trump Builds Peace and Great-power Cooperation, Pulled Toward War at the Same Time

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks to the Venezuelan American community at the Florida International University Ocean Bank Convocation Center Monday, Feb. 18, 2019 in Miami, Fla. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

In the past 72 hours, President Donald Trump has spoken out optimistically in every direction about the prospects for a cooperative and productive U.S.-China relationship, peace and development on the Korean Peninsula, and has kept watching for a chance to pull relations with Russia out of the abyss. Over the next month of summits and a potential U.S.-China trade/economic agreement, he has every hope of achieving the peace and cooperation among great powers his four predecessors could not, or did not want to achieve. The potential is there, even for the four powers (including India) to start doing something about the current international slide into recession — a new credit system for great projects to build on China’s Belt and Road.

But at the same time, there is in the White House the specter of an isolated John F. Kennedy being pulled by Cabinet members, military/CIA leaders, and Congressional warmongers into the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961. Just a year later the same hawks demanded a full-scale U.S. military invasion of Cuba to “take out” Russian missiles emplaced there. With greater wisdom, courage, and luck, JFK barely found a way to avoid being dragged to World War III.

Now President Trump faces House Democrats outrageously holding a hearing to attack, and incredibly, accuse him of treason and corruption on the day of his summit in Hanoi with Kim Jong-Un of North Korea. He faces his Cabinet, Congressional and military leaders — not to mention the lying likes of DNI Dan Coats — blatantly opposing his policy toward China, his belief in the prospect of peace in Korea, his orders to bring troops home from Syria and Afghanistan. And he has his Secretary of State, Vice President, National Security Advisor, and Congressional Republicans out to create uprisings against South American governments and back them with U.S. “force” — a new “Bay of Pigs” disaster in several nations at once!

And President Putin of Russia, because of the growing effects of the “ABM systems” policies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, is publicly discussing the possibility of a new Cuban Missiles Crisis, and 5-minutes-to-target missiles Russia is bringing out “to which there is no analog in other countries.”

The American people, while furiously “taking sides,” are effectively taking no action. There must be a mass movement for peace and for national and international economic development, if the nation is to survive.

That means the ideas, the “four laws” of economic progress, of one man — Lyndon LaRouche. He was attacked, prosecuted, blacked out for decades for foreseeing and creating the potential of a New Silk Road of modern infrastructure — now coming into being — a new Bretton Woods credit system, breakthroughs to fusion energy, international collaboration in developing the Moon and the Solar System.

LaRouche fought the insane “ecology” — that is, “eugenics” — movements of the British royal family’s “greenies”. He took seriously that development was the name of peace, as President Trump is seeking it.

“Justice for LaRouche” is one way of naming the mass strike America now needs. Without it the Presidency, the economy, and the nation are threatened with destruction.

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