Ibero-American Memorial for Lyndon LaRouche: “A Great Man has Left us, but he has Left us his Ideas”

On April 11, an Ibero-American memorial to Lyndon LaRouche was held in the form of a videoconference sponsored by the Schiller Institute which linked live meetings in five cities (Mexico City, Queretaro and Hermosillo in Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Buenos Aires,Argentina), and was moderated from Purcellville, Virginia. The gatherings brought together some 200 associates and friends of the LaRouche movement, who heard sections of recorded speeches by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, as well as video tributes which came from individuals in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Bolivia, testifying to the impact that LaRouche’s work had on those countries. We present here six of those video messages, subtitled in English.

Patricio Ricketts

Patricio Ricketts is a former Education Minister of Peru, a leading historian, author, journalist and political analyst. He was a strong defender of Peru’s national sovereignty against the Shining Path and MRTA onslaught, two narco-terrorist groups with powerful international financial and political support, such as that of George Soros.

Rear Admiral (ret.) Hugo Ramírez Canaval

Rear Admiral (ret.) Hugo Ramírez Canaval is one of the most distinguished leaders of the Peruvian Navy. In 1988 that institution published the book “Modern Irregular Warfare” by Friedrich von der Heydte, with an introduction by Lyndon LaRouche, for its senior officers to study and analyze. It proved vital to their understanding of the new type of narco-terrorist enemy that the nation was facing.

Mario Roberto Morales

Mario Roberto Morales is a Guatemalan writer, university professor and journalist. He holds a doctorate in Latin American Culture and Literature from the University of Pittsburgh, and a 2017 Doctor Honoris Causa from San Carlos University in Guatemala. He won Guatemala’s “Miguel Angel Asturias” National Prize for Literature in 2007. He has been a university professor in the U.S., Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Ramón Emilio Concepción

Ramón Emilio Concepción is an attorney in the Dominican Republic, having received his law degree Summa Cum Laude from the Dominican World University. He is a pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Dominican Republic for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).

Marino Elsevyf Pineda

Marino Elsevyf Pineda is an attorney in the Dominican Republic. He was the only Ibero-American jurist who traveled to the U.S. to join Ramsey Clark, Amelia Boynton Robinson and others on the Schiller Institute’s Martin Luther King Tribunal, seeking the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche.

Marino Elsevyf Pineda

Max Ibáñez is a veteran trade union leader in Bolivia. He was formerly Secretary of Grievance Resolution of the National Federation of Electrical and Telephone Workers of Bolivia, and he was a founding member of the Schiller Institute Trade Union Commission.

The Ibero-American memorial is the first of at least three such memorials to LaRouche which will be held internationally, the next being in New York City on June 8, and one to be held later in Europe.

View the full memorial, in Spanish, here.

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