Statecraft vs. Geopolitics: The Asian Theater

On May 14, President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan held a banquet in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to welcome the foreign leaders and guests attending the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference. Xinhua News Agency reporter Rao Aimin photo

“It is the characteristic of turning points in history that the majority of people have no concept of what is occurring. Only those visionaries who have a clear idea of the positive potential of the future are able to intervene in the process at moments of decision, to avert potential catastrophes, and instead usher in a new epoch of humanity. We find ourselves in such a phase change.”

Those were the opening words of Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her presentation to the “2019 Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations,” held May 15 in Beijing. They accurately describe the decisive moment that humanity now faces.

Two diametrically opposed, irreconcilable approaches are today before mankind. The one promotes geopolitics, confrontation and unilateralism in defense of the dying world order of the British Empire; the other calls for a dialogue among nations, based on the high points of their respective civilizations. As Zepp-LaRouche emphasized in her speech: “If we want to create a more human order, it must be built on the best concepts that have been produced by various cultures. Those concepts must, so to speak, have an ontological character, because nothing in them can be accidental or of merely contemporary character.” They must reflect what in Judeo-Christian Western civilization is known as “natural law,” the higher-order creative development of the universe, which is discoverable by Man’s Mind and in which Man participates.

It is in this domain that mankind most requires “the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.” Alone in this epoch, LaRouche elaborated those concepts needed to bring such a New Paradigm into existence—and to drive a stake through the heart of the Old Paradigm and its evil concept of Man. Many writings of LaRouche’s could be cited in this regard, but none better than his Dec. 19, 2004 book: The Dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations: Earth’s Next Fifty Years.

It is to this end—providing the United States and all the nations of the world with access to such concepts—that we celebrate the LaRouche Memorial on June 8 in New York City, and a half-dozen satellite events across the country. These are especially the concepts and policies which the Trump Administration needs, as it breaks free of the British plot to overthrow his Presidency, in order to loudly and clearly reject the suicidal policies of economic and geopolitical confrontation with China and Russia, that the British would impose on the U.S. It is a clarity that the world is urgently looking to hear from Washington.

We refer the reader to “The 2019 Beijing Consensus of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations,” which was just released on May 25, as an excellent reflection of the new vision of humanity now spreading across Asia, as well as other continents. This view had already been stressed by China’s President Xi Jinping in his keynote address to the First Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on May 14, 2017:

“First, we should build the Belt and Road into a road connecting different civilizations. In pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, we should ensure that when it comes to different civilizations, exchange will replace estrangement, mutual learning will replace clashes, and coexistence will replace a sense of superiority. This will boost mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual trust among different countries.”

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