The LaRouche Century

Lyndon LaRouche seen here at his 95th birthday, accompanied by his wife Helga and his beloved dog. September, 2017 (Photos EIRNS)

In her April 27 opening presentation to the ongoing LaRouchePAC class series on “The Earth’s Last Fifty Years, and Earth’s Next Fifty Years,” dedicated to the life and legacy of the revolutionary ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, Helga Zepp-LaRouche drew attention to a May 1997 speech by her husband in which he emphasized the overriding strategic importance of U.S.-China collaboration to bring about global economic revival. LaRouche stated:

“There are only two nations which are respectable left on this planet. That is, nations of respectable power. That is the United States, particularly the United States, not as represented by the Congress, but by the President. It is the identity of the United States, which is a political power, not some concatenation of its parts. The United States is represented today only by its President, as a political institution…

“Now, there’s only one other power on this planet… and that’s the People’s Republic of China. Now, China is engaged, presently, in a great infrastructure-building project, in which my wife and others have had an ongoing engagement over some years…

“Therefore, if the United States, the President of the United States, and China, participate in fostering that project, sometimes called the `Silk Road’ Project, sometimes the `Land- Bridge’ Project—if that project of developing development corridors, across Eurasia, into Africa, into North America, is extended, that project is enough work, to put this whole planet, into an economic revival.”

Stated 22 years ago, that strategic evaluation of Lyndon LaRouche’s remains fully valid today, and is the key to understanding so-called “current events.”

The recent breakdown in trade negotiations between the United States and China, and even more so the economic warfare declared against technology and communications giant Huawei, are policies designed by the British Empire to make sure no such U.S.-China alliance is forged—despite the fact that it is desired by the Presidents of both nations, as each has stated publicly and repeatedly. China’s semi-official media, including Xinhua and Global Times, are now warning that unless the China-U.S. economic relationship gets back on track, the entire global economic order may collapse. “This dangerous prospect,” Xinhua underscored, “is in no one’s interests.”

Beyond the immediate issues of conflict, Helga Zepp-LaRouche noted last week that a great opportunity had been missed—at least for the moment—for Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping to hold a new summit, where they could agree on trade matters, and then take new steps in the direction of a global alliance for economic revival of the sort outlined by Lyndon LaRouche. But that opportunity can still be revived around a possible meeting in late June at the Osaka G20 meeting, where President Trump has said he would like to meet with President Xi, and also with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Moreover, there is a broader strategic opening to finish off the British Empire entirely, and create a just New World Economic Order. One of the main reasons for that is the potential embodied in the embattled Donald Trump Presidency in Washington, which remains committed to reining in “the military-industrial complex” (no U.S. President since Eisenhower has dared challenge them directly); to a good, working relationship with China and Russia; and to awakening NASA’s mission to explore the Moon, Mars and beyond. NASA’s latest four-minute video “We Are Going” already has 5.7 million views—indicating the level of support for such policies in the population.

Trump is hampered in this potential by two things. First, the British remain committed to overthrowing his government, using their agents-of-influence both outside and inside the Trump Administration to do so—including by fomenting conflict and war with China, Russia, Iran and others.

Second, there is no escaping the fact that the new strategic policies that are required cannot be developed in their indispensable depth without the central input of Lyndon LaRouche’s body of revolutionary ideas—the very ideas whose consideration and comprehension require LaRouche’s exoneration. As Helga Zepp-LaRouche summarized the argument in her April 27 class:

“The purpose of this class series, among other things, is to contribute to the fight for the exoneration of my late husband. I’m deeply convinced that the future of the United States, and by implication, that of the world, and the exoneration of Lyn, are absolutely closely intertwined. The reason is very simple: That first of all, the apparatus which has been responsible for the prosecution of my husband—actually since, probably the 1950s, but really in earnest since the 1980s—is the same apparatus which is behind the coup attempt against President Trump, and it is the same apparatus which is for the confrontation against Russia and China, and contradicting the intentions of President Trump almost on every single point. And if this apparatus is not stopped, the danger of these confrontations leading to a war with Russia and China is actually very high.

“Interrelated with that is naturally the question that only if the name of my husband is completely freed of the effects of this prosecution—years, actually decades of slanders against him—only then will the American people have unprejudiced access to the entire body of his ideas. And I can tell you that what my husband has produced in terms of concepts, in terms of natural science, Classical art, universal history, is so precious, that I think every living American, and for that matter, many people around the world, should absolutely have access to it, because it is the next level of knowledge of what people have to know.”


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