Seven Questions and Demands President Trump Should Have for His British Hosts If Any Intelligence Relationship Is To Continue

President Donald J. Trump salutes as he arrives to attend the 2019 U.S. Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony Thursday, May 30, 3019, at the U.S. Air Force Academy-Falcon Stadium in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Trump is leaving for his British state visit Sunday night, June 2nd. Here are the Seven Questions and Demands Donald Trump should be making if the intelligence relationship between the United States and Britain is to continue. The British, not the Russians, intervened directly in the U.S. presidential election to defeat Donald Trump and their House of Lords has declared that it will ensure the President’s defeat in the 2020 elections. President Trump can blow this up by asking and demanding the following:

(1) There are two sources for determining whether the Russian GRU hacked the DNC and John Podesta in 2016 and provided the files to WikiLeaks for publication. One is the NSA/GCHQ which would have the trace routes and internet packets of such an operation. The other is Julian Assange and his colleagues at WikiLeaks.

GCHQ must turn over any trace route information it has concerning the alleged Russian hacking operation to Attorney General William Barr in its possession either as a result of its own activities or the activities of any Five Eyes participant. In addition, GCHQ or other British intelligence channels must provide to Attorney General Barr any other evidence it has indicating that the Russian GRU hacked the DNC and provided the files to WikiLeaks for publication, or any evidence showing that the Russian hack, as described in the 2017 U.S. ICA assessment, or the Report of the Special Counsel, did not occur as described in that report or assessment.

According to news reports, Julian Assange is gravely ill in the British prison system and the United Nations rapporteur, Nils Melzer, has determined that he has been tortured. “I am concerned that he will be killed while in British custody because of what he knows.” “I demand that you undertake immediately to provide him the best medical care and ensure his physical and mental safety and report those steps publicly and to me.”

(2) It has been claimed that GCHQ was surveilling my campaign as far back as 2015. It has also been claimed that this surveillance involved every 2016 presidential candidate other than Hillary Clinton and that it was reported as liaison reporting. GCHQ or other intelligence agencies of Britain must provide Attorney General Barr with all documents, files, and reports concerning surveillance of any U.S. 2016 presidential candidate or anyone associated with 2016 U.S. presidential campaigns, including who originated the surveillance and the roles of any U.S. person in such surveillance operations.

(3) The British government must provide Attorney General Barr with specifications of all relationships between Hakluyt, Christopher Steele, Richard Dearlove, Sir Andrew Wood, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Orbis Business Intelligence, Fusion GPS, and/or the Integrity Initiative to the British or Australian governments or to NATO, and all information it has concerning the “sources” of Christopher Steele’s “dossier” on the Trump Campaign.

(4) The British government must provide Attorney General Barr with any reports which were delivered by Robert Hannigan of GCHQ to U.S. officials during the summer of 2016 concerning individuals associated with my campaign, myself or my family, or my campaign inclusive of information concerning who ordered any of these reports be produced and to whom they were produced.

(5) The British government must provide Attorney General Barr with all of its files and communications with United States or other intelligence or law enforcement agencies, U.S. Congressmen or Senators, the U.S. State Department, or individuals associated with the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign, concerning Donald Trump, the Trump Campaign, George Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, or other individuals associated with my campaign including Steve Bannon.

(6) The British government must provide Attorney General Barr with a report concerning who in the United States the British government and its intelligence agencies or intelligence surrogates worked with in the following events and all records of the British government concerning collaboration with those individuals:
(a) the 2014 change of government and Maidan protests in Ukraine
(b) the 2018 Skripal events in Britain
(c) alleged chemical attacks by the Assad government in Syria.

(7) The House of Lords December 2018 report, “U.K. Foreign Policy in a Shifting World Order” more or less explicitly calls for my electoral defeat in 2020. The British government must provide Attorney General Barr with a report concerning any effort to implement this strategy including any communications with any U.S. individual, the U.S. State Department or other U.S. government or private entities, such as the Atlantic Council, or any U.S. political party. Separately, the British government must provide a full report on any activities of the Integrity Initiative or any other British government supported propaganda, public relations, or information management agency in the United States.


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