Another Humiliation for Trump with Collapse of Attempt to Distort Census by Adding Citizenship Question Designed to Terrorize Immigrant Communities; GOP Wanted Faked Census to Consolidate Permanent Austerity Dictatorship over U.S.; GOP Gerrymandering and Demonization of Immigrants Now Harder; Don’s Packing of Supreme Court Is Not Producing Desired Results!

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Thursday, July 11, 2019 Coming After Epstein-Acosta Debacle, Latest Failure Adds Up to a Very Bad Week for Individual-1; Democrats Should Immediately Set Up a War Room and Deploy Truth Squads to Counter Trump’s Vile Barrage of Filth, Lies, and Threats; Prof. Shugerman’s Cogent Critique of […]

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