Will There Be Anything Left of the Mueller Report When He Testifies? – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

Will There Be Anything Left of the Mueller Report When He Testifies? – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

Ahead of the herculean efforts of the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the brainwashed denizens of the Democratic aisles of the Congress to make Robert Mueller’s July 24th testimony before Congress something other than a deflated balloon, there have been momentous developments. They demonstrate that Mueller’s entire report is a fraud and that his prosecutions are riddled with made up crimes, entrapment, and due process atrocities, just as LaRouchePAC said was the case.

While the effects of this British operation are now widely recognized, the British roots and the British strategic imperatives which have paralyzed the country for the last three years and previously changed our course after Franklin Roosevelt’s death, can now be taken on. The dying system is very weak and very vulnerable. The one which is being born now can be completely shaped by the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, provided we deploy all of those ideas to act in this historical moment, and proceed by recognizing the huge opening the Empire’s failures have provided us.

Join us for tonight’s discussion.

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