Former Texas Republican Congressman, three-time presidential candidate and the real “original libertarian” in U.S. politics Ron Paul spoke to libertarians at the Young Americans for Liberty conference this week. What makes this appearance even more interesting is that he refrained from mention Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson’s name even once. Here is what the Daily Caller reports: Ron Paul gave a speech to about 400 libertarians at the Young Americans for Liberty conference on Tuesday and he didn’t say Gary Johnson’s name once. The former Texas Congressman who led the libertarian wing of the Republican Party during the 2008 and 2012 … Continue reading

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How much of your investment portfolio is in gold? Five percent? Ten percent? One contrarian investor believes that the yellow metal should control one-quarter of your portfolio. Speaking at a recent conference in Chicago, Marc Faber, the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, encouraged investment professionals to have 25 percent of their portfolio in gold. Faber defended this strategy by averring that bullion shields you from “a dangerous combination” of global government debt and bond-buying initiatives from central banks all over the world. He noted that investing in gold prevents you from being a victim of the central … Continue reading

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It was discovered by the Daily Caller this week that Republican Party frontrunner Donald Trump is being politically advised by Barry Bennett. Just who is this Bennett that we speak of? He was hired by a telephone company to promote Obamaphones and paint the program as something to help veterans. The ads engulfed the airwaves in Washington, D.C. It was meant to encourage Republicans to turn the other cheek over the scandal-laden program because it was targeted towards those returning from the wars. Speaking in an interview with the Washington Examiner in 2014, Bennett explained that he supports those types … Continue reading

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