We all have great expectations, especially when we are young. Later in life, sunny skies often turn dark and by necessity we trim our sails. So it is both refreshing and quite remarkable to encounter a 70-year old man whose life trajectory set him on the opposite course of continually enlarging his expectations, most especially when that man is the recently installed President of the United States. Unfortunately, when a large dose of capriciousness worthy of a Boris Yeltsin, as a Russian editorialist recently noted, is added to those expectations, those of us who supported Donald Trump’s presidential bid in … Continue reading

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Twenty-five years is a long time to get back to where you started, but two-and-a-half decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is the United States, not the Russian Federation, that has succeeded in restoring the threat of nuclear annihilation to the global conversation.  And, by means of economic sanctions, energy-infrastructure intrusions, and financial manipulations, it is the U.S. that has returned Russia to a state of isolation from Europe. Having pulled the Ukrainian door to the motherland off its hinges by means of engineering a coup in Kiev over two years ago, the U.S. foreign-policy establishment has … Continue reading

The post Nuclear Annihilation appeared first on LewRockwell.

We all know Trump is a showman, but who expected him to horn in on the legendary Houdini’s act? Observe the PWTB’s curve ball set-up that became a boomerang: 1.  Billy Bush suddenly recalls a bantering conversation he once had with Trump before taping a television show.  Searches for the date.  Calls uncle. Tape retrieved.  Bushs tip HRC campaign. 2. First debate Hitlery showing orchestrated by agreement and collaboration with Lester Holt via political intermediaries.  Regime media delivers hosannas to La Brigada, a week of positive news reports follow.  (After last Friday’s events, a review of Hitlery’s smugly smiling first debate performance screams “I … Continue reading

The post Trump Is Houdini appeared first on LewRockwell.

Excerpt from Contagion:The Betrayal of Liberty; Russia and the United States in the Post-Cold War Era adapted for lewrockwell.com ……..Spooked out of Russia after the electorate’s gleeful elevation of political showman Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his party of sometimes fire-breathing, sometimes bungling Russian nationalists (LDP) to the Russian Duma in January 1994, Jeffrey Sachs and his fellow opportunist, Anders Aslund, took their crusade for the application of shock therapy to Kiev. There Aslund picked up work managing a small team of advisors in Ukraine funded by the New York-based George Soros Open Society Institute while doing public relations work for Ukraine, … Continue reading

The post The Bloody Evil of George Soros appeared first on LewRockwell.

At a Wednesday campaign appearance in Nebraska alongside Warren Buffett, Hillary Clinton jokingly asked her supporters to assure Republicans, “I don’t have horns.” Of course, Hillary doesn’t have horns! Even the Devil knows cankles and cloven hooves are a more workable combination than horns and a wig. But we needn’t tear the candidate’s accessories off to verify. Horns, hooves, whatever – the marks of Satan cover our gal president wannabe top to bottom. On Sunday last, Donald Trump put the matter plain, telling Fox News interviewer Chris Wallace that Clinton “killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity.”  Trump … Continue reading

The post The Worst Female Killer in History appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the past week, the flood of undocumented and unregistered Middle Eastern and African migrants into the EU has become an inundation. The high water mark of the human tide is located in Hungary, which is not a logical outcome despite the country’s geographical position at the center of Europe. Understanding why is the key to understanding what is happening not in but  to Europe. After allowing unregistered migrants to board eastbound trains to Vienna and Munich, Hungary suddenly closed Budapest’s grand Keleti Train Station on Tuesday to migrants seeking transport to Germany via Austria and the Czech Republic. Thousands … Continue reading

Europeans ought to be demanding Uncle Sam’s head on a silver platter, and those of their own leaders on pikes. Thanks to 25 years of lunatic U.S. foreign policy initiatives and relentless military aggressions, the steady drip of illegal immigration into Europe from Africa and the Middle East has become a crisis of refugees. Not only has the U.S. killed and maimed at least a million people and displaced millions more, it has destroyed the property – water, sanitation and transport systems – that support the networks of trade and commerce essential to the survival of developed human communities. The … Continue reading