A January 2014 Huffington Post headline read: “Nearly Half Of Black Males, 40 Percent Of White Males Are Arrested By Age 23: Study.” Published in Crime & Delinquency, that study poses a steep challenge to two supposedly very different groups. For white supremacists, who (despite no real science) believe there is a vast “biologically based” behavioral difference between blacks and whites, a less-than-10 percent distinction doesn’t offer much empirical support. But it also doesn’t offer much confirmation to those who (despite the civil rights deinstitutionalization of racism) see contemporary America as a land of “black oppression” and “white privilege.” That … Continue reading

The post The Mirage of Racist America appeared first on LewRockwell.

Imagine a man with a thick down-home accent arguing in 1964 that the “public accommodations” (Newspeak-to-English: private property) clause of the Civil Rights Act would eventually mean that homosexuals could force unwilling people to provide them with any services they demand. The New York Times and other organs of the prevailing “liberalism” would have derided such a projection as the most preposterous pronouncement one could expect from “opponents of civil rights.”  Yet half a century later, that is exactly the case. Ideas indeed have consequences, just as implications involve commitments. The current derision of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act reveals … Continue reading