Inspired by its Nazi mentors, the TSA usually victimizes the poor, the sick or the otherwise vulnerable at the nation’s airports. Whether it’s nonagenarians the TSA strip-searches or little girls it molests, the agency’s atrocities hit the headlines accidentally and haphazardly—or, far more often, not at all—because it abuses ordinary serfs. But this month, in little more than a fortnight, the Thieves and Sexual Assailants have inexplicably hassled three “celebrities” (or so the corporate media terms them. I’ve never heard of any of the trio; if you haven’t, either, remember that the outlets insisting on their notoriety also asserted that … Continue reading

The post Savaging Even Celebrities appeared first on LewRockwell.

I move that from now on, we put politicians who refer to “American democracy” on a flight to nowhere after an especially enthusiastic groping from the TSA. The offender who most recently prattled about “democracy” while sitting in the Congress of a representative republic is that silly senator from New York, Kirsten Gillibrand. Worse, she’s a “ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Personnel”; so terrifying a fact ought to convince even Leviathan’s most die-hard fans of the beast’s intellectual bankruptcy. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion Kirsten’s knickers are in a twist over The … Continue reading

The post Be No Better Friend appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is one of the most pernicious in American history. It destroys freedom of association, subjects our private relationships to bureaucratic judgment and meddling, and substitutes the totalitarian credo of “civil rights” for the freedom from government Americans previously espoused. No wonder the left loves it. This legislation is Progressives’ Bible and Psalter in one convenient package, the inspiration for much of their mischief. So I was staggered to read that the radical left—not your average Marxist on Medicaid but the sexual deviants, feminists, “social activists” and “advocates,” Congressional Dimocrats, and other misfits with too … Continue reading

The post The Left Is Funny appeared first on LewRockwell.

Nothing outrages Progressives more than the truth. Predictably, then, when Donald Trump voiced the undeniable fact that Hitlary Clinton is “such a nasty woman,” the mindless masses howled with fury. I am no Trumpette. Nor did I watch any of the debates, including the last one with Mr. T’s comment. So I was incredulous as I scanned the headlines the next morning that those four words had earned The Donald yet another stoning from the corporate media and the aforementioned masses. What is so inherently “sexist,” so patently worthy of excoriation, in the phrase, “nasty woman”? If you’re as unfortunate … Continue reading

The post Hillary Is Such a Nasty Marxist appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last week, the “House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence” (talk about an oxymoron!) proved yet again that though its members live in the most fragile of glass houses, they throw stones with gusto. These mass murderers, thieves and congenital liars slandered Edward Snowden as a “criminal” as well as a “serial exaggerator and fabricator” with a “pattern of intentional lying.” If that doesn’t describe Our Rulers rather than their nemesis to the proverbial T, I’ll vote for Hitlary this November. We all know why the Feds viciously hate poor Ed: he outsmarted, outwitted, and shamed them before the world. A … Continue reading

The post The Serfs Who Pay the Piper appeared first on LewRockwell.

Perhaps the timing is merely more of government’s stunning incompetence, with a bureaucrat somewhere mistaking September 1 for September 11. Or perhaps the State’s officiates are already preparing as one of their holiest days approaches, much as Christians meditate during Lent. At any rate, last Thursday, September 1, “Transportation Security Administration officials from Washington Dulles International Airport” held a “ceremony,” during which they “unveiled a memorial piece of limestone taken from the Pentagon following the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001.” This bit of rubble, “measuring 31 inches long, 13 inches deep, 4 inches high and weighing 110 pounds,” looks … Continue reading

The post O Come, All Ye Statists appeared first on LewRockwell.

Dr. Paul Gordon, a 61-year-old communist and “medical school professor” at the University of Arizona, recently finished peddling across America on his bicycle. Not only had he long dreamed of such an odyssey, but he also turned it into a “’listening tour’…, talking along the way to Americans about the controversial health law that President Obama signed six years ago. … [He] conceived his ride as a scholarly exercise”—ha,ha! Who says commies can’t pun?—“that would generate academic papers about perceptions of the health law…” Those “perceptions” hearten anyone who loves liberty even as they horrified Comrade Gordon and the reporter covering his … Continue reading

The post Your Betters Know Better appeared first on LewRockwell.

“We are heartbroken … It’s painful to wake up in the morning to know some of your brothers … have been killed.” You might suppose the speaker to be a relative of Philando Castile or Alton Sterling, or some other black American serf (not because cops don’t kill whites—they do; in fact, most of their victims are white, even if a disproportionate number aren’t. But whites don’t typically speak of “brothers”). And you’d be wrong. Our mourner is “Lafayette[, LA] Police Chief Reginald Thomas,” one of the cops USAToday interviewed for its sob-story on the “heavy emotional toll” that “Violence” … Continue reading

The post Learning What It’s Like To Be Serfs? appeared first on LewRockwell.

What crushing irony: over the weekend of July 4, as Americans celebrated their alleged freedom, the TSA graphically proved yet again our total enslavement. The outrage in question actually dates to June 30, 2015; it’s only now hitting the headlines thanks to Hannah Cohen’s lawsuit. But last year, when she was 18, Hannah tried to fly with her mother to their home in Chattanooga from Memphis, TN. The duo were pros at this route, having traveled it “hundreds of times” over the last 17 years, “without incident ever,” to treat Hannah at St Jude’s Medical Center. This particular trip was … Continue reading

The post Partially Deaf, Blind in 1 Eye, Paralyzed, and Easily Confused appeared first on LewRockwell.

Entertainment doesn’t come much richer than elderly politicians fattened on our taxes and their own self-importance creakily collapsing to the floor of the House of Representatives. Oh, the awkwardness and obvious discomfort! And yet, viva la 1960s! Only tie-dye and love beads are missing as these Congressional cretins vie once again to repeal the Second Amendment without the bother of actually doing so. Supposedly, they’re literally “on the House floor with @repjohnlewis & Dems staging a sit-in to demand action on common-sense gun legislation,” as “Rep. John Yarmuth (@RepJohnYarmuth) June 22, 2016” put it in “social media’s” fractured syntax. I … Continue reading

The post Geriatric Congressional Sit-In appeared first on LewRockwell.