Advertisements promoting gold dominate the airwaves, touting it as the ultimate investment, the place to be in these times of financial and economic uncertainty. Although it is true that gold has been valued in all civilizations for some 6,000 years, will the respondents enjoy the benefits that the ads promise? Probably not. Most of the firms sponsoring the ads promote gold coins at grossly inflated prices. At one time, a prominent company acknowledged marking up their gold bullion coins thirty percent but sometimes had markups of seventy percent. Another firm has been known to markup its coins one hundred percent. … Continue reading

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The decline of a nation’s money often parallels the decline of the nation.  Rome’s money stands as the classic example; Great Britain’s pound is the contemporary example. In Rome’s final days, its coins were debased, minted with reduced amounts of gold and silver.  Consequently, the people astutely took note of which coins contained the greater amounts of gold or silver, but the Senate took typical government action.  It made it illegal for a merchant to ask a buyer with which coins he was going to pay. Fast forward to today. Time to buy old US gold coins This year, for … Continue reading

The post The British Pound in Decline appeared first on LewRockwell.

(The stories that telemarketers tell to sell over-priced coins) Many gold and silver dealers foster the circulation of many myths, misunderstandings, and outright lies about the purchase and sale of gold and silver. Generally, these misconceptions and falsehoods promote the notion that the government may again call in gold as it did in 1933 and that “reportable” transactions are preludes to confiscation. By cultivating such fears in investors, unscrupulous firms can sell high-priced (and nearly always overpriced) coins with greater margins of profit. Investors who believe these stories invariably pay too much or buy the wrong coins. After reading this … Continue reading

The post Gold Confiscation Myths appeared first on LewRockwell.

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” — Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi successfully sought the overthrow of tyrannical British rule in India via non-violent civil protests. In doing so, the above quote became synonymous with his name. Basically, Gandhi’s quote outlines how new ideas are received by the special interests that the ideas threaten. For decades, Ron Paul has strived to expose the flawed Keynesian thought that dominates economic thinking in the United States–and most of the rest of the world. While a congressman, he was ignored, and his comments were … Continue reading