So you know how to pick a lock with a tension wrench and rake. This is an incredibly useful skill, which will allow you to get in your house if you get locked out without having to call a locksmith, and will also allow you to help others who’ve become locked out. You might even need to pick the lock of a door behind which someone is incapacitated and in need of emergency help. But, what do you do if you find yourself needing to pick a lock, but you don’t have your lock picks on you? You use the manly art of … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner and that means one thing: turkey. Preparing, and especially carving, a turkey for loved ones at Thanksgiving is a task often assigned to the family patriarch. Roasted flesh, sharp knives, popping joints — it just doesn’t get much more virile than that! Rather than fumble around and end up with a disorganized and mangled platter of bird flesh, impress your friends and family by masterfully carving and plating your turkey with cleanly cut and sliced pieces. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices To help guide you through carving your Thanksgiving bird, we got some help … Continue reading

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In every time period, and all across the world, men have been very interested in the question of what it means to be a man. Some of their answers were learned intuitively by watching their peers and mentors, while other aspects of manliness were taught to them and imparted intentionally and explicitly. In primitive times, the “secret knowledge” of manhood was passed down from elders to boys in elaborate coming-of-age ceremonies. In ancient times, philosophers contemplated the virtues and qualities that constituted the attainment of arete — a word meaning “excellence” that was sometimes used interchangeably with andreia or “manliness.” In our own times, men experience few knowledge-imparting … Continue reading

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Growing up, whenever the calendar paged over to December 1, our fridge and cupboards got stocked with certain kinds of foods that we normally didn’t see much of the rest of the year. Sure, the shelves brimmed with typical holiday fare like gingerbread or fudge, but you’d also find some heartier selections like a giant bowl of mixed nuts (that you had to crack yourself), sticks and sticks of summer sausage, and belly-filling eggnog. Now that I have a family of my own, I’ve continued the tradition of decking the halls of our kitchen with these festive and delicious edibles. Because of boy, … Continue reading

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Have you ever listened to a recording of your voice and cringed? Perhaps you were surprised about how nasally or high-pitched it was, or how hard you were to understand. Perhaps in that moment you wished for a manlier, more pleasant-sounding voice. A deep, strong, masculine voice is not without its benefits. Women prefer men with deeper voices and find what they say more memorable than men with higher-pitched ones. And a strong, deep voice can make a man seem more confident and authoritative. But here’s the deal. There isn’t much we can do to deepen our voices substantially.  You’re … Continue reading

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Stop what you’re doing and look at your hands. Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? If so, you were likely exposed to higher levels of testosterone while you were in your mother’s womb. Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? Then you were exposed to lower levels of T as a fetus. So what? Well, while it might sound like hokey palm reading, researchers are finding that the ratio between the length of your ring and index fingers may, in fact, correlate to your prenatal exposure to T, and have a significant influence on your … Continue reading

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Editor’s note: The following excerpt has been condensed from the original.  From “A Way of Life” Address given to Yale students, 1914 By Sir William Osler Fellow students — every man has a philosophy of life in thought, in word, or in deed, worked out in himself unconsciously. In possession of the very best, he may not know of its existence; with the very worst he may pride himself as a paragon. As it grows with the growth, it cannot be taught to the young in formal lectures. Why then should I trouble you? Because I have a message that may … Continue reading

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Welcome back to the Art of Manliness Land Navigation Manual. In Part I, we covered how to properly use a compass, how to shoot your bearings, and the best map for navigating: the topo map. Before we can start actually navigating, which we’ll get to in Part III of this series, we still need to learn where we are in relation to our map — how to orient ourselves. So in this installment, we’ll go over the skills you need to do just that. Adjusting Your Compass For Declination Remember declination from Part I? Now that we’re putting compass to map, we need to adjust for … Continue reading

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When it comes to doing household chores, flushing your hot water heater is easy to overlook. I know I never thought about doing it until Jeremy included it in his truly handy home maintenance checklist. But regularly flushing out your hot water heater is an important task. Getting rid of the gunk and mineral deposits that accumulate will help your hot water heater run more efficiently as well as prolong its life, saving you money in the long run. After living in my home for several years, I figured my hot water heater was due for a flush and decided to tackle this chore. … Continue reading

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You may have seen the Highland Games online or on television: guys in kilts throwing giant logs, tossing hammers over their heads, etc. It’s a fascinating strength competition, and one I’ve long wanted to learn more about. So today on the show I talk with Highland Games champ Matt Vincent to get the lowdown. We discuss specific events in the Highland Games, how to get started if you’re interested, his workout program called the HVIII (The Hate), and much more. Show Highlights How Matt became a professional Highland Games competitor The different events in the Highland Games How to get started with Highland Game … Continue reading

The post World’s Strongest Men? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Growing up, whenever the calendar paged over to December 1, our fridge and cupboards got stocked with certain kinds of foods that we normally didn’t see much of the rest of the year. Sure, the shelves brimmed with typical holiday fare like gingerbread or fudge, but you’d also find some heartier selections like a giant bowl of mixed nuts (that you had to crack yourself), sticks and sticks of summer sausage, and belly-filling eggnog. Now that I have a family of my own, I’ve continued the tradition of decking the halls of our kitchen with these festive and delicious edibles. Because boy, do … Continue reading

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If a man’s job on Thanksgiving is to carve the turkey, his main Christmas responsibility is the selecting and setting up of the tree. The undisputed symbol of the holiday season, the Christmas tree is the centerpiece of one’s holiday decorations, the focus to which the eye is drawn and people gather. A handsome, large, well-decorated tree, with its twinkling lights and festive ornaments, can warm the heart of even the Scroogiest man. No one can resist its allure; even my Jewish friends put up a “Hanukkah” bush. Selecting, setting up, and caring for your tree is therefore a responsibility … Continue reading

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I’ve never been a car guy. I just didn’t have any interest in tooling around under the hood to figure out how my car works. Except for replacing my air filters or changing the oil every now and then, if I ever had a problem with my car, I’d just take it into the mechanic and when he came out to explain what was wrong, I nodded politely and pretended like I knew what he was talking about. But lately I’ve had the itch to actually learn the basics of how cars work. I don’t plan on becoming a full … Continue reading

If you’re like me, you like beef. Some weeks I’ll consume a beef product every day for lunch. Beef is delicious and one of the best sources of protein and testosterone-boosting cholesterol and fat. And did I mention it’s delicious? But if you’re also like me, you don’t want to spend that much money on food. And if you’ve been paying attention to your grocery bill, the price of beef has gone up dramatically this year. I know a lot of guys who, when they hear the word “steak,” only think of strips, rib eyes, T-bones, and tenderloins; they think … Continue reading

Disclaimer: This article is aimed at helping those who are not sure where to start their research process. It is not a definitive guide to firearms purchases. Some of the information is generalized and all readers should conduct further research before making any decision. Nearly every American man has heard the story of the shootout at the O.K. Corral. Wyatt Earp and his cohorts confronted a group of outlaw cowboys and emerged victorious. While much myth and mystery surrounds the circumstances of this encounter, a few things are very clear. Wyatt Earp was proficient with his Colt Peacemaker and Doc … Continue reading