Judging from the cornucopia of commentary abroad in the land since the Parkland, FL shooting, there is a sudden and urgent concern for the status of our “society”; specifically “how the hell did we get here?”   Responses have ranged from Woodstock to CNN, marijuana to internet porn, public schools to the NRA, NFL Instant Replay to Harvey Weinstein.  While one might contend the above are inextricably connected in ways that could only thrill reclusive sociologists and myopic data miners, the answer and cure may have a common point of origin. Put another way: “chicken” or the “egg” is immaterial; the … Continue reading

The post The Evolution of Devolution appeared first on LewRockwell.

…and Gun Facts For The Newly Uninformed For those of you who are new to the public debate about All Things Guns that has sprung up since the Parkland, FL tragedy, this brief primer is for you whether you are a mommy, daddy, guardian or teacher of school-age children. Most of all, if you are a politician or reporter, this one has your name on it. A basic Google search for “guns” returns 299,000,000 results in 0.52 seconds. So why another gun article? The cacophony of stultifying idiocy polluting media outlets via the Evening News, talk radio “commentary”, wasting untold … Continue reading

The post You Can Own a Machine Gun appeared first on LewRockwell.

And so it begins…another shooting, another school, another student with a grudge and a gun, another body count and another 72 hours of MSM 24/7 Redundant Coverage featuring the same cast of media, political, social media and law enforcement “experts” showcased on the Evening News with the tears of relatives and near-victims, sotto –voice anchor interviews of “how do you feel…?” and “what was it like…?”, surrounded by non-stop re-runs of every cell phone vid available providing it shows at least a whif of the Horror From Within. Once the essential Who, What, Where and When facts are announced (49 … Continue reading

The post More Horrific Killings appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Despite promising during the campaign…” More and more, this is the lead-in to stories about President Trump and his year-old administration. Call it “flip-flopping” or any other pejorative, it isn’t “fake news”. For someone with such a stellar “show biz” background, it is remarkable the former Apprentice star seems to forget the invention of videotape and Instant Replay. Proving dogmatic, straight-forward statements made yesterday are diametrically opposed to absolute contradictions made today is as easy as typing “Google” <enter>. One doesn’t need Professor Peabody’s “Way Back Machine” to find a target-rich environment of Trump switcher-oos: Medicaid, Marijuana, the “big beautiful … Continue reading

The post Consistent Inconsistency appeared first on LewRockwell.

From our “Clippings From The Editing Room Floor” dept.”, comes this face-palming story that begins: “The third trial of Cliven Bundy has ended in a mistrial. The prosecution failed to turn over documents that would have helped the defense.” Put more bluntly: The trial of Nevada rancher and leader of the Sagebrush Rebellion, Cliven Bundy, his two sons and a co-defendant ended yesterday in a mistrial. Why? Because the government had lied out of its ass to the judge and hidden evidence that would have significantly aided the defense. In other words, in a legal system that has reframed “adversarial” to mean … Continue reading

The post This Just In (NOT) appeared first on LewRockwell.

At the daily press briefing,  Sarah Huckaby Sanders responded to a reporter’s assertion President Trump’s decision to end DACA was “cold hearted”. Ms. Sanders responded, “It’s not cold hearted for the president to uphold the law. We’re a nation of law and order. And the day that we start to ignore the fact that we are that, then we throw away everything that gives these people a reason to come to our country….” With respect to Ms. Sanders, that car has left the showroom. America has long ceased to be a “nation of law and order”, morphing into a nation … Continue reading

The post MAB Is the New MAD appeared first on LewRockwell.

FOX News senior judicial analyst, colleague and personal friend Judge Andrew Napolitano began his weekly column: “What if the federal government captures in real time the contents of every telephone call, email and text message and all the fiber-optic data generated by every person and entity in the United States 24/7/365? What if this mass surveillance was never authorized by any federal law?” Deftly using the Socratic Method, he goes on to pose pointed questions, the answers to which are obvious to the reasonably informed reader. It is absolute fact the federal government, through the NSA and assistance from cohorts … Continue reading

The post The Most Likely Leaker appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hopefully, it is becoming more and more obvious why The Establishment and its myrmidons in the Establishment Media (aka MSM) have their bodacious bloomers in a bunch over Everything Russia-Trump. It’s not about Who Met With Whom, Where Trump’s Ties Are Made or Secret Handshakes at the G-20. It sure as hell isn’t about the First or any other Amendment, Immigration, Border Walls or the perennial favorite, Guns ‘N Snowflakes. Nope. It’s all about The Great Unmasking. Even that requires a little parsing. As my friend, colleague and LRC co-conspirator, Judge Andrew P. Napolitano of FOX News fame recently discussed … Continue reading

The post The Great Unmasking appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Great American Economic Recovery is The Bigly Buzz! Can Full Employment be far behind? (For the sake of this column) Of course not! This means all you snowflakes out there, languishing in that rent-free Safe Space at your parents’ place while sharpening your gaming skills, need to ramp up for that long-awaited Big Job interview! The following list will help you take that new BA in “Post-Modern Philosophy of Medieval Ballet” to leverage that six-figure income you so richly deserve. To impress a Fortune 500 firm that will accept your demands to set your own hours, select your own … Continue reading

The post Top Tips for the Big Interview appeared first on LewRockwell.

Anti-Trumpians say “We can survive 4 years of Hillary” How exactly? Questions:  (You must answer 20 out of 16) After 4 years (assuming it is only 4 years), there will have been 1-3 SCOTUS replacements. How many will respect the Constitution/Separation of Powers/Rule of Law? After 4 years, describe what’s left of the 2nd Amendment. What will be the demographic reality of massive, non-vetted immigration from Syria and other ME and CA countries with their “agendas”, “culture”, politics, law and morality? How will this impact the American health care system? Will the Income Tax and/or IRS will be “reformed”? Why … Continue reading

The post Take the Pop Quiz appeared first on LewRockwell.

Just in time before the start of 2016, a new poll just released has rocked the political and academic world! By the widest margin ever recorded, Brian Wilson, noted broadcaster, blogger, podcaster, author and LRC contributor, has been named 2015 “America’s Most Admired Political Pundit” according to a Gallop survey. Mr. Wilson was named by an astounding 82% of respondents to the poll taken Dec. 24-26. Mr. Wilson reacted to the announcement with typical humility: “I am humbled.” He went on to say: “This is a great and well-deserved honor. I’ve been typing with my fists for decades as well on … Continue reading

The post Poll Vaulting appeared first on LewRockwell.

Dear Santa Here’s a great idea for a Christmas present only you can bring as a gift to America. With your state-of-the-art workshop along with the talent and genius of your elves, your North Pole HQ could make this happen just in the Nick of time (Nick…St Nick…get it?! Ho Ho Ho!) Here’s the plan: Since none of the GOP Top Tier Presidential candidates have all the qualities and talents necessary to capture the hearts and minds of American voters, construct the Perfect Composite Candidate made from the “best and brightest” qualities of all of them! Here’s the list of … Continue reading

The post Dear Santa appeared first on LewRockwell.

Predictably, in the wake of the recent dual homicides here on the shores of Smith Mountain Lake where I live, the strident screeds for gun control are ringing throughout the mainstream media courtesy of All The Usual Suspects paddling around the political cesspool. Emotions are funny, volatile things, difficult to control under the best of circumstances.  It’s human nature to lash out illogically, unreasonably at an inanimate object that facilitated the excruciating and painful loss of a loved one, in this case a gun. At least Alison Parker’s father has that excuse to explain his comments about “shaming legislators into … Continue reading

“So, what is the answer or is there no workable solution?” Random (but rational) thoughts on “a workable solution” in response to Nelson Hultberg’s editorial “Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard: The Verdict After Fifty Years” “Have Rand and Rothbard given us an undergirding philosophy of rationality upon which to fight for freedom? Or have we launched a freedom movement upon a ship resplendent in sail, but possessed of a leaky hull and faulty tiller? Are our basic premises rational and irrefutable?” Yes, No and Yes. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Mr. Hultberg’s piece is the notable paucity of facts which  inconveniently … Continue reading

With all the Cheers and Jeers of C-PAC 2015 fading into Yesterday’s News, let us carpe the diem to add to the growing list of oxymoronic fantasies in desperate need of extinction, a term heard early and often whenever conservatives and libertarians congregate: “Limited Government”. Like “settled science”, the Tooth Fairy and Honest Politicians, not only is there no such thing, there never has been. The utter nonsense that a piece of parchment, even inscribed with swell ideas, can successfully “limit” the Leviathan, i.e. Big Government has been proven ludicrous for 226 years; considerably longer if we include all recorded … Continue reading