A review of Two Against Lincoln: Reverdy Johnson and Horatio Seymour, Champions of the Loyal Opposition (University Press of Kansas, 2017) by William C. Harris In a speech before the Senate in 1863, James A. Bayard of Delaware stated that “The truth will out, ultimately…though they may be voted down by the majority of the hour, though they may not be known at first—the great truths will not triumph, with a little energy and a little perseverance.” Bayard had for two years relentlessly attacked the Lincoln administration for its legal gymnastics regarding the Constitution, and he believed that in the future, Americans … Continue reading

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This probably one of the hardest points to make for those interested in government reform, but if you want change, stay away from the Leviathan. Unfortunately, that Siren sings a sweet song. It’s captivating. Every election cycle, someone interested in (supposedly) shrinking government mounts a campaign for federal office. Roy Moore provided the latest example. Moore was a severely flawed candidate. That is why he lost. But losing did nothing to change the mess in D.C. Nor would anything have changed if Moore ended up in the win column. Had Moore won, the federal government would continue to grow in … Continue reading

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Steve Bannon’s September 10, 2017 60 Minutes sparked considerable discussion among both the left and the right. Bannon is always good for that. After Charlie Rose insisted that immigration built America, Bannon retorted that he was wrong and then seemingly reinforced the idea that “nationalism” has defined American history: “You couldn’t be more dead wrong. America was built on her citizens. … Look at the 19th century. What built America’s called the American system, from Hamilton to Polk to Henry Clay to Lincoln to the Roosevelts. [It was] a system of protection of our manufacturing, financial system that lends to … Continue reading

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California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has given the green light for CalExit proponents to begin collecting signatures for a California secession ballot initiative in the 2018 general election. This is good news. California is the logical place to begin having a conversation about secession, and every red state American should be actively supporting the proposal. As California goes, so goes Oregon and Washington, and in the not so distant future perhaps Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Maybe Hawaii might finally get the chance to regain its independence. One can dream. What would this mean for red state America? … Continue reading

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Trump supposedly stepped in it. Again. In an interview that aired Monday with Salena Zito, he wondered aloud that if better leadership could have prevented the Civil War [sic]. Trump thought that Andrew Jackson would have prevailed in a showdown between the North and the South. After all, he did it before in the 1830s. Trump then said this: “He [Jackson] was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’” Trump followed up by committing the most heinous of all heinous acts. He questioned if the Civil … Continue reading

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The “fake news” pejorative has become commonplace in modern public discourse, so much so that social media outlets have taken it upon themselves to “police” so-called “fake news” stories and warn people about their dangers. This was largely due to the supposed impact “fake news” had on Trump supporters in 2016. To these self-appointed gatekeepers of truth, honesty, and the American way, nothing that contradicts their version of American history can be acceptable. Their narrative goes something like this: America was created as a singular nation on the principles of “justice” and “equality.” You “anti-American” fools that argue the founding … Continue reading

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The “fake news” pejorative has become commonplace in modern public discourse, so much so that social media outlets have taken it upon themselves to “police” so-called “fake news” stories and warn people about their dangers. This was largely due to the supposed impact “fake news” had on Trump supporters in 2016. To these self-appointed gatekeepers of truth, honesty, and the American way, nothing that contradicts their version of American history can be acceptable. Their narrative goes something like this: America was created as a singular nation on the principles of “justice” and “equality.” You “anti-American” fools that argue the founding … Continue reading

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C-SPAN released another presidential ranking over the weekend, their first since 2009, and predictably many of the worst abusers of executive power found their name at the top of the list—Lincoln, FDR, TR, Truman, LBJ, Obama, Wilson—while those that expressed some fealty to the Constitution are typically buried in the bottom half. Some of this was undoubtedly due to the methodology. The 122 historians surveyed were asked to rank the presidents based on the following criteria: “Public Persuasion,” “Crisis Leadership,” “Economic Management,” “Moral Authority,” “International Relations,” “Administrative Skills,” “Relations with Congress,” “Vision/Setting An Agenda,” “Pursued Equal Justice for All,” and … Continue reading

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No matter what happened while Barack Obama occupied Pennsylvania Ave., several things have become clear since Donald Trump took office in January: Most Congressional Republicans don’t want to repeal Obamacare. Most Congressional Republicans don’t want to restrict immigration. Most Congressional Republicans don’t want to lower taxes. Most Congressional Republicans want to go to war with the world. Most Congressional Republicans like unconstitutional federal power and bloated bureaucracy. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion The late Sam Francis labeled the Republican Party the “Stupid Party” for a reason. But perhaps the label should be on … Continue reading

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Thomas Jefferson was a radical. He was also a conservative. His life represented a series of seemingly unorganized contradictions. He rooted his political philosophy in a consistent defense of federalism, an idea older than the British North American colonies. He was an American aristocrat who held opinions of society and man consistent with most of the prevailing racial and social attitudes of his day. Yet, Jefferson also sought to reform Virginia—his country—and tear down the established religious and educational hierarchy that had remained static for nearly two hundred years, a class system that while undemocratic produced most of the greatest … Continue reading

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It is one of the more commonly used cliches of the political establishment. “We are a nation of immigrants.” Most Americans just buy that bill of goods and never think about what it actually means. After all, they reason, their people came here from somewhere. This is true, but this is simply reflexive group think of the worst order. The vast majority of Americans were born here and come from families that go back for generations. The same was true of the founding generation. Many of the men from that greatest generation of Americans–sorry Tom Brokaw–were fourth or fifth generation Americans whose families … Continue reading

The post Feds To Control Naturalization appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is one of the more commonly used cliches of the political establishment. “We are a nation of immigrants.” Most Americans just buy that bill of goods and never think about what it actually means. After all, they reason, their people came here from somewhere. This is true, but this is simply reflexive group think of the worst order. The vast majority of Americans were born here and come from families that go back for generations. The same was true of the founding generation. Many of the men from that greatest generation of Americans–sorry Tom Brokaw–were fourth or fifth generation Americans whose families … Continue reading

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James Monroe was born today (April 28) in 1757. He is one of the more misunderstood and maligned Presidents of the United States. Historians typically rank him as no better than “average.” This is unjust and an indictment of the historical profession. Monroe, they suggest, lacked leadership and energy in the executive office. He should have been more like Lincoln or F. Roosevelt, two “great” presidents according to their standards. One History Channel production suggested that the only positive thing to say about Monroe is that he was honest. Yet, if these historians ranked presidents based on the way the … Continue reading

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Changes are coming to our fiat currency.  Andrew Jackson will be replaced on the $20 and both the $5 and $10 will also be reworked, ostensibly in the name of “inclusion” and “diversity,” but also to prevent against “counterfeiting.”  Funny because the United States has been running the printing presses nonstop for the last decade in an attempt to “save the economy.”  Nothing like legal counterfeiting to combat illegal counterfeiting. Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln will still be featured on the face of both the $10 and $5 respectively, but other images will grace the back of both notes. I … Continue reading

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Keith Olbermann is an idiot, but you knew that. He is also a war monger.  That was not evident until earlier this month, and Olbermann doubled down yesterday. Full disclosure.  Olbermann once labeled me one of the worst men in America. Since then, and of course not because of me, his career has gone from bad to worse to in many ways irrelevant, unless you are a blathering idiot on The View or an editor at the Washington Post. On 8 March, Olbermann published an opinion piece in said Washington Post declaring he was moving out of one of Trump’s … Continue reading

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