There are the important questions which matter and should be asked of anyone who discusses “politics.” Unfortunately, most people are oblivious to seeking these deeper insights. They are deferential to what they learned in school and from their peers, from their willfully ignorant parents, and from the regime media. They are unaware of the post-WWII creation by the National Security State of synthetic “liberal” and “conservative” ideological movements which sought to rationalize the projection of power and hegemony of the American empire. The American people have been pawns on the deep state’s chessboard for seven decades. One must employ what … Continue reading

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Every year a multitude of lazy regime journalists (such as this one) are ordered by their editors to tweak and recycle a banal and deferential piece on the “best” or “worst” presidents for consumption by the naïve and willfully ignorant masses. These usually appear before the 4th of July. They ritualistically consult “court historians” in the hope of providing a Ouija board luster and enticing panache to these clichéd parables regarding the deification of the occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “Court historians” are the intellectual bodyguards of the State. They shape and defend the “official line” or interpretation on the … Continue reading

The post Worst of the Worst appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Morticia, Vampira and Elvira – The unholy trinity of women of darkness. These three femme fatales have captured the wicked imaginations and nefarious fantasies of many generations. And like links in the chains they might use to restrain their victims, the stories of all three of these lecherous ladies are linked.” This superb mini-documentary was forwarded to me by a long time colleague who noted: Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts “Fun video on three pop characters I’m sure you know. I only have a couple of bones to pick with it. They say Addams Family’s Morticia … Continue reading

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Book review: Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House (Forbidden Bookshelf) (Kindle Edition) Once again the intrepid Peter Dale Scott takes us into that claustrophobic wilderness of mirrors where the criminal underworld meets the establishment upper world in the sub-rosa labyrinth of the Deep State. Scott is the premier synthesizer unearthing all the various seemingly unconnected strands of hard documentary factual evidence and counterfactual hypothesizing concerning the November 22, 1963 coup d’état. He begins by addressing head-on the seminal question of “Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?” in a brilliantly sketched portrait we have not seen before. The … Continue reading

The post The Coup d’Etat of 1963 appeared first on LewRockwell.

An attentive LRC reader has alerted me that in David Talbot’s new book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, the author alludes to the groundbreaking Rolling Stone article, “The Hughes-Nixon-Lansky Connection: The Secret Alliances of the CIA From WWII to Watergate,” by Howard Kohn, in discussing CIA covert funding of American domestic political campaigns. (My copy is slated to arrive early next week from Amazon and I can’t wait to delve into it.) Younger LRC readers need to be critically aware of what they undoubtedly consider “ancient history” in shaping the world in which … Continue reading

Veteran investigative journalist Jefferson Morley observes concerning the American Deep State: “America is ruled by a parallel system of power that operates above and in some ways below our system of democratic governance,” says David Talbot in this engaging conversation with University of California-Berkeley professor/poet/diplomat Peter Dale Scott. Scott’s provocative conception of a “deep politics” and a “deep state” within the American democratic system, first articulated in the 1990s, has gained credibility over the years. After the revelations of Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, everyone who wants to can see that U.S. national security agencies have the latitude to pursue their chosen … Continue reading

For sixty years I have been captivated by the heroic stories of Robin Hood. The Adventures of Robin Hood was my favorite movie as a kid, Errol Flynn my favorite actor. Adventures of Robin Hood, by Eleanor Graham Vance, was my favorite book as a kindergartener. I still have it in my library. Over the past several days I have once again been reliving my corrupted youth by watching on DVD the 143 episodes of The Adventures of Robin Hood starring Richard Greene. Above is Outlaw Money, one of my favorites with many themes LRC enthusiasts will relish. The television … Continue reading