Many innocent kids have a nice long break from their compulsory indoctrination camps. What a great opportunity to breathe some entrepreneurial spirit into their minds. The kids finally get a break from having to recite their daily government prayers (Pledge of Allegiance) and from listening to how FDR saved America, and how the armies of bureaucrats protect us from the businessman. The movie “Chef” by the fantastic actor/director Jon Favreau comes to the rescue: This film portrays the entrepreneurial spirit with near perfection. It’s loaded with valuable lessons that kids will never (ever) learn in the indoctrination camps: It shows … Continue reading

Not too long ago, Robert Wenzel shared this fascinating video of a robot dog created by Boston Dynamics (which is owned by Google): Personally, I love this kind of stuff. Anytime we’re able to increase our productivity and efficiency as humans, I get excited. There is one big (and very violent) elephant in the room though….The Empire. Unfortunately, the following chart shows who the biggest buyers of robots are (at the moment): That’s right, “defense” applications is first by a huge margin. Unless you’re an innocent little toddler, you know that “defense” really means “offense.” This concerns me for two … Continue reading